I quickly returned to my shell."You are annoying the thit out of me! Tho I'm moving you here."Sollux turned to me "Thell keep him out of trouble" the grumpy guy with black hair put the thing or person into my tank "oh,ok Sollux". Hesitant at first but when I saw him "aww he's so cute!" He pouted then looked at me,or rather stared."Eri-dan" he said "is that your name? I'm Shelby!" He still stared in awe.Well at least he isn't in a mean mood not super big.
These past months he sorta followed me and sometimes he even spoke.He's really cute! "So yeah,I guess you could say I'm high ranking." Huh? High ranking? Is rare or superior to his kind? He isn't very big so..."interested?" I nodded smiling,he's even cuter when he speaks so highly of himself especially in that funny accent he has. ~time skip by Eridan babbling-One day Eridan started to talk to me again "You knoww,sometime soon I'm going to be big and take ovver this pitiful place" I paused "really?" He saw my sudden interest and went on "yes.and you will be my queen.Together wwe'll rule evveryone and evverything!" T-together? His queen? What? I tried not to think about it too much and went on with the day.
That night I curled up in my clam but before I could shut it I saw a gleam in the corner of my eye.
Ask Shelby Aquariumstuck!
FantasyShelby is a naiad,in this story she becomes more mer-like and you guys get to ask her stuff.She likes Eridan (can't wait for hate and raging fangirls!)~Enjoy Shelby belongs to me,additional characters belong to Hussie and or you!