Calum's P.O.V.Brooke ran into Mark's arms hugging him and giving him a kiss. I looked over at Luke and you could see the disappointment in his face. Poor Luke I feel bad for him. Loving someone who already has a boyfriend must really suck. Luke made his way to Ashton and Zach trying to ignore Brooke and Mark having a make out session. "What are you doing here?" Brooke said excitedly to Aidan. "Well I got a message from Ashton saying that you were really upset and angry. So I decided to see if I could cheer you up." Mark said giving her another kiss on the cheek. She hugged him tightly and I walked towards the others. I made my way with them to everyone. Storm was sitting talking to Ashton. Michael and Quinn were talking and Zach, Luke S, Luke H and Khanya where doing the same.
Everybody was sitting at the table and we had just finished placing our orders for food and drinks. Brooke and Storm where completely ignoring each other you could see they where both not their normal selves. I hope they sort out there difficulties sooner than later.
When our food arrived we all dag in. The restaurant had the best food in town. They had eveything Pizza, Chicken, Pasta, Salad, Burgers, Beef and so much more. We were soon all finished eating. We decided to have some fun dancing and having some drinks. Brooke was dancing with Quinn, Michael and Zach. I didn't know exactly where Mark was. I walked around a little longer seeing if I could find Ashton. I walked along the pub going past many people dancing and spilling there drinks. When I came to a much quieter place. I looked to see if I could find Ashton but I ended up finding something that wasn't right. Mark was kissing some girl. He's got a girlfriend! He's dating one if my closest friends. What the hell is he doing with her. I made my way over to him with this girl. "What do you think you are doing?" I said tapping his shoulder anger growing inside of me. He pulled away from her immediately, turning to look at me in shock. "Babe who's this guy?" The girl said. "BABE! DID SHE JUST CALL YOU BABE! WHAT ABOUT BROOOKE I THOUGHT SHE WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled at him angrily. "Calum it's not what it looks like." He said moving aside. "What is it then Mark." I said angrily. He opened his mouth to talk but closed it looking down. "Please don't tell Brooke, she can't know. It will break her even more." He said sadly. "How am I supposed to keep that from her! She will be so upset if she finds out that I knew all this time." I said. He pushed me up against the wall gripping me by the neck. "That's why she's not going to find out or else someone is going to have a beating." He said tightning his grip. I nodded my head not being able to breath. He put me down to my feet and I stumbled. He walked away into the crowd making his was to Brooke. I can't believe I just did that, I have to tell Brooke she would be heart broken if I didn't and she found him doing something like that. After a while we all decided to go to Luke's house where we all were going to watch movies and sleep. Luke, Michael, Ashton and I went in one car. Zach, Luke S, Khanya, Quinn and Storm in one car. Brooke and Mark in his car. I really don't like Mark anymore. He's such a dick. Why would he go around doing that. I don't even want to leave Brooke alone with him anymore. He's dangerous.
Brooke's P.O.V.
We all split up into separate car heading to Luke's house. Mark and I got into the car putting our seat belts on. Mark placed his hand on my thigh before starting the car. "I won't be able to stay the night but I will watch a movie with you guys and then head home. I have a really big project due on Monday and I have to get it done." Mark said keeping his eyes in the road. "Awww but babe... I wanted to spend time with you and my friends." I said sticking out my bottom lip. "I'm sorry Babe I'll make it up to you I promise." He said stopping at a stop street kissing my cheek.
We carried on driving when we arrived at Luke's house. We were the last ones to arrive. We got out the car but before going to the front door Mark intertwined our fingers. We got to the front door and knocked. We heard loud laughs come inside. "Come in!" We heard someone yell. We opened the door making our way in. We got to the Tv lounge but none of them were there. We made our was to the kitchen but they weren't their either. There was still laughing and yelling going on.
We tried to find out where the noise was coming from. We made our way to the backyard to see Luke and Michael in the pool with there clothes on and Storm, Khanya and Quinn staying far away from the edge of the pool. "Hey what's go-" I said being cut off by Ashton running up to me putting me on his shoulders, making me drop my crutches. I screeched as he did so. "Do you have your phone with you?" He asked. " No, Mark's got it...Why?" I said confused. He giggled and started running towards the pool. "NO ASHTON PUT ME DOWN!!! PLEASE ASHTON PLEASE DON'T" I screamed. He jumped into the deep end of the pool with me still on his back.
My ribs still weren't healed and neither was my ankle. I could barely swim. As soon as we hit the water I went to the bottom of the pool. Luke's pool was really deep. I couldn't stand in the deep end. My eyes shot open looking in the water. I tried to swim but my ribs were acheing and I couldn't make my way to the top.
Storm's P.O.V.
Myself, Khanya and Quinn where in the corner staying far away as possible from Ashton, Calum, Zach and Luke S. They where trying to catch us and throw us in the pool. After a while Brooke and Mark made their way outside. I heard Brooke yell something but was cut off by Ashton picking her up and putting her over his shoulder making her crutches fall to the ground. Running towards the pool, Brooke was yelling for him not to jump into the pool.
When I realised she can't swim with her ribs and ankle. I went to say something and it was too late. Ashton and Brooke where already in the pool. "Oh my word! Brooke." I yelled walking away from Khanya and Loren, to have a better view of the pool. Luke look at me confused. Ashton came up from the water. "Where's Brooke?!" Luke yelled scared. I turned to look at him and looked at the pool. I saw bubbles and I knew where she was. I ran and jumped into the pool to get to her as quickly as I could. I saw her at the bottom and I reached for her hand. She saw me and reached out for my hand to. As soon as I got her hand I pulled her up as soon as I could. I saw Luke grab her other hand and helped her.
We got to the top of the water and Brooke took in a deep breath coughing. Luke and Michael helped her out of the pool as I got out to help her. She was crouched in a ball coughing out water. Khanya and Quinn came out with towels. I got a towel for myself and one for Brooke putting it around her. She was shivering really bad as tears made there way down her face.
"Hey it's okay I got you." I said hugging her. I looked over to Ashton and saw worry and guilt in his face. "I-I couldn't s-swim up." She stuttered. I heard another sniffle and looked up to see Ash crying. "I-I'm so s-sorry Brooke." He stuttered in tears. She sat up and looked over to Ash. "Its okay you didn't know." She said calming down. She went over to Ashton and gave him a small hug. "Where's Mark?" She said looking around. "He said he had to go and that he will see you soon." Quinn said. "Ohhh... Okay." She said looking down.
"Come let me help you get out of those wet clothes." I said walking towards Brooke going her up. She nodded her head and made our way up to Luke's room. When we got to Luke's room I turned to look at Brooke. "Listen Brooke I'm really sorry. I don't like not being able to talk to you will you forgive me." I said looking toward her. She looked at me and came over to me quickly putting her arms around me. "I forgive you." She said hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back. "Luke said you could use his clothes for now, while your clothes dry." I told her. She nodded her head and looked through Luke's cupbroad grabbing some clothes. I grabbed the bag Ashton and I packet to share. I put on one of his shirts and a pair of my sweats. I looked over to Brooke and she was done. She walked over and pulled me into a hug. "I missed being able to talk to you." She said. I hugged back and then made our way back down to the others.
Sorry you if any of you are a little confused, I changed two characters names. Aislin and Loren. Aislin's name has been changed to Storm and Loren's names has been changed to Quinn.

Long Time No See (5SOS)
FanfictionIt's been four years since Brooke has seen Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum.Brooke's whole family had to move away for her Fathers new job. She left without saying goodbye to them and wish she could have changed that. They moved out of Austrailia to...