c h a p t e r 3

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Kadia in mm.

How I found out who kissed me...

We went into H & M and Kadia, Casey and I found the ladies section. The boys went to the men section of course because they swear they're so trendy and fresh!

They were having a contest on who could come out looking the freshest.
I know Jawan and Dylan can dress but I've also seen Pryce dress up pretty nicely also so i'm just gonna wait to see who wins.

I looked through the jeans section and went through them looking for size 2's or 3's.Yea I'm small but it's kinda hard finding sizes in jeans. Sweat pants are always easy because they have always seem to have tons of size smalls left.

But anyways I was browsing for clothes until Kadia walked over to me.
" Guess who's here? And looking for you?"

" Who?" I asked.

She smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me through the store. Once we got to the other side I looked around for someone I might know.

" Why are you playing?" I asked not seeing anyone.

" Wha- he was just here." Kadia whined.

Mhmm. I walked away while moving my hair out of my face and bumped into someone. Fuck why am I so clumsy?!?

" There you are!" I heard a deep voice murmur to me.

I looked up and saw nothing but Quincy.

He's a whole other story. He's my ex boyfriend from last year and he still thinks we having something going even though I constantly tell him " We Are Over."

" Hello Quincy." I said in a mellow tone.

" Wassup girl, how you've been?"

" I've been good how bout you Quinc?"
That's his nickname atleast what I call him.

" I'm doing good, I saw you at lazer tag. I was on the opposite side though."

I stopped and my eyes looked up to the curls that where on the top of his head.
Shiyttt Quincy has curls and so does Pryce.

" O-oh why didn't you say something?"
I mumbled.

" I did just in another way." He said furrowing his brow.

I gulped down the lump in my throat and smiled. " Well it was nice seeing you". I said cutting the awkward convo short.

" You too."

I walked away and went to go find Kadia, annd Jawan ended up scaring the hell out of me.

" Why the hell would you do that!" I Semi yelled not trying to make a scene in the store.

" Calm down Kode it was just a joke."
He cooed.

" would it have been a joke if I pissed my pants?"

He chuckled and we walked back to where everyone was at.

I saw Dylan and Pryce standing around in their new outfits and turned to Jawan checking him out.

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