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YOOOO LMFAOOOOO I accidentally published this chapter when it was no where near done! I'm so sorry oh my god I can't stop laughing because I know y'all been waiting! Sorry for the false alarm!


I felt weird. Something in my stomach was making me feel queasy and uneasy. It was the kiss. Ever since the weekend I haven't been feeling the same. But the kiss was so great, it felt right but something was wrong. Not with me, but with Chris. He enjoyed it, that's for sure, but it's like he didn't want to...enjoy it? I don't know. The way he left my house so suddenly confused me. If he didn't enjoy it, he wouldn't have let me kiss him back for that long. If he didn't want to kiss me, he wouldn't have initiated the kiss himself, so what is it? This is what all I've been thinking about ever since he left my house Saturday night.

I thought about the time when we walked to the Chinese food spot, and we talked and played around like we were middle schoolers. The way his smile was so big and because of that his eyes got so small and chinky. How loud he'll laugh when I kept embarrassing myself. I made him happy, and the fact that I was the cause of his happiness made me happy.

I had math first period on Monday's and I didn't feel like seeing him. I didn't feel like having shade thrown at me by Kae, I didn't feel like having Mr. Johnson bothering me with cold calling questions when I'm not paying attention. I just didn't want to come to school at all today.

I walked into my math class and saw that only a few kids were in the classroom considering there's ten minutes left till first period starts. I took a seat at my desk and brought out my math binder along with my pens from my bag.

"Ms. James,"

"Mr. Johnson." I looked up at him not at all amused

I really wasn't in the mood, and Mr. Johnson bothering me wasn't making it any better. I'm now realizing how really annoying teachers can be.

He raised a brow but continued with what he was going to say "did you and Mr. Brown ever get a chance to have a tutoring session over the weekend?"

Whatever he said went through one ear and out the other because through my peripheral I spotted Mr. Brown with the same jacket he had on Saturday. My stomach started turning in knots and my hands started getting clammy.

My eyes followed him from all the way across the room to his seat in front of me, and the whole time he didn't look up at me. Neither did he acknowledge me. He just kept his eyes on the floor and sat down, putting his book bag in the seat next to him.

I wanted to cry. Yes I'm a cry baby and I don't care but that right there just hurt me. I was right, it's happening all over again. He's pushing me away, not even looking at me. Just like when we first met.

I put my head in my hands trying my hardest to not shed a single tear because my mascara will run. And besides, Chris isn't my boyfriend I shouldn't be crying. But still, my feelings are hurt. I'm so confused.

"That party was so fucking lit!" I heard Michael exclaimed from across the room

"Mr. Stevenson." Mr. Johnson warned

I picked my head up and saw Michael sitting on top of a girl named Nadia's desk while talking to a bunch of people surrounding him.

"My fault Johnson." Michael apologized but not paying him anymore attention, too busy talking about the party

The room automatically started buzzing about the party of the year that happened Saturday night. I sighed and saw there were five minutes left till class started. I started staring at the back of Chris' head just wanting to talk to him, but I had too much pride in me to do so. 

What's Really HoodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora