I write shit about countries dating other countries. And you dating countries. And I also take requests. And I can also write about ships I don't even like... This is the lamest description for any story you've ever read... HEYA! I'M NYO!DENMARK, OR...
Arthur sat by Francis' bed. They were in the hospital, and the only sound that could be heard was the heart monitor besides Francis bed. Arthur somehow made no sound at all, and that was impressive, because he was still crying. This whole hell that had been going on for a month now would soon end. The doctors would end Francis' struggle soon. Arthur knew this, and he was sorry. He was so, so sorry for everything he never said when he had the chance. Sorry, because it was his fault Francis was here in the first place.
Arthur ran out of Francis house, and crossed the street. Francis had kissed him, and he ran. He couldn't tell him... There was no way in hell he'd be able to tell him. Being the tsundere he was, he ran further, away from the house, and the Frog. He heard a voice behind him:
'Arthur, mon amour! Wait!' The Frenchman said as he crossed the street. Arthur saw the car coming, but Francis didn't. 'FRANCIS! STOP!' He yelled, but it was already too late.
The car hit Francis, and came to a fast stop, the owner got out as Arthur ran to Francis. He obviously had a lot of injuries, and a lot of blood loss, and he was only barely breathing. The owner of the car called 911 as Arthur sobbed.
At the hospital, they told Arthur that Francis would probably never wake up from the coma he was in. They'd give him a month, they said. A month, and if he didn't wake up, he had no chances left. If he didn't wake up after a month, he had suffered too much. One month, and the doctor would put him out of his misery.
Arthur would visit Francis every day, and three days he would bring fresh roses.
*flashback end*
Arthur stopped sobbing for a moment. Sobbing wasn't helping anyone. If Francis didn't wake up before 5pm, the doctors would end his suffering. Arthur started singing, as if he believed it would help Francis wake up.
[*play video now*]
'Say something I'm giving up on you...
I'll be the one, if you want me to...
Anywhere I would have followed you...
Say something I'm giving up on you...'
Arthur sighed, and continued singing.
'And I, I'm feeling so small...
It was over my head
I want nothing at all
Arthur did want something, just one thing. For Francis to wake up.
And I, will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl
'And you were my teacher' Arthur thought to himself.
Say something I'm giving up on you!
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you!
Anywhere I would have followed you
Say something I'm giving up on you...
Arthur wiped away his tears, and swallowed once.
And I will swallow my pride...
You're the one that I love,
And I'm saying goodbye...
The one... The only one... No-one else, no-one better than him.
Say something I'm giving up on you!
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you!
Anywhere I would have followed you!
Say something I'm giving up on you...
5:00 pm. The doctors came in. Arthur looked at them, and they looked back. It was time.
Say something I'm giving up on you...
The doctors were taking him off life support. A single tear fell from Arthur's eyes.
Say something...
The heart monitor had said it. It was over. Francis was finally out of his struggle for life. He lost it. The victory of the battle of life certainly wasn't for Francis...
*three months later*
Arthur went to the grave Francis was given. Everyone thought it to be appropriate to let Arthur choose the line on the tombstone, so he had chosen:
'Life is a gift you need to treasure, for if you lose it, you'll never retrieve it.'
And it was true.
Arthur visited the grave every other day. And be would always come with a rose. Not a normal rose though, he found that inappropriate. No, a special rose, every time. An Osiria rose. And every time he would look for the perfect one of these special roses, and take it with him. Perfect, but fragile, just like Francis had proved to be.
And every time Arthur would start off by kissing the tombstone gently, placing the rose down, removing the old one, and talking to 'the one that got away'.
'Francis, I'm so sorry. For everything. For not telling you how I felt, for not saying anything to you when you finally admitted something... I'm so sorry. If I hadn't run away, we'd be living together now. We'd kiss eachother goodmorning every day, and you'd cook for us. But I ran. This is all my fault. If I'd just told you what I really felt...'
Arthur could feel the tears streaming down his face again.
And the wind seemed to have a voice. And when it spoke, you couldn't really hear it well, but it was definitely there.
'It's okay, Arthur. It's not your fault. I should've said something...'
Hey guys! Sorry not so sorry about that! It was almost completely inspired by a oneshot from the FrUk oneshots book from @its-raining-tea
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The whole thing is awesome! Check it out, but be prepared for ultimate feels!