3. Mentor

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"Teddy, I am heading to Charles weekend home near Lake Placid and will be back by Sunday night" said Ryan while leaving from his dorm.
"Weekend home? What the fuck is that?" Asked Ted
"Riches have this way of showing off their money, they spend the week near their office and weekend in some luxury home out of the hustle bustle of the city" said Ryan
"Whoa, riches and their style. Anyways, today is Friday and players will be coming in soon, how do you want me to handle the crowd alone?" said Ted
"Charles is taking me home, so he and his bandwagon of high rollers won't be coming in over this weekend, so expect only a few students, you can easily manage that crowd" replied Ryan
"Hmm.. Okay I will do my best to manage this, but aren't you wasting your weekend with some old man?" Asked Ted
"I really hope to learn something about stock market from him, If he is a dumbfuck then I will get to spend my weekend in a luxury weekend home nestled in Adirondack mountains" said Ryan and left from home his dorm.

Charles was waiting for him in the college campus and they drove off in his Black BMW 6 series.
"Awesome ride buddy" said Ryan
"Dad gifted it to me on my birthday, but I seldom bring it to campus" clarified Charles
"Cool, can I smoke in the car?" Asked Ryan. The occasional puff from friends in school was now his addiction, he used to run through half a packet of cigarette daily, with majority of them burnt during his long gambling sessions.
"Sure" said Charles and pulled a latch in the car, which converted the sedan to a topless sports car.
"Whoa, that's awesome" said Ryan and lit up his Marlboro Red.
"It's going to be an awesome ride to Lake Placid" thought Ryan

"Hey Dad" said Charles as they entered his luxurious weekend home.
For Ryan, it looked more like a resort, it was a 50,000 square feet estate, having a huge green park with the plush 20 room home in the centre, the home had a personal entry to Lake Placid.
"Whoa, that's some piece of land" though Ryan
"Hello my son" said Charles father and hugged him.
"Dad, this is my friend Ryan, I talked to you about" said Charles introducing Ryan to his father.
"Hello Sir" said Ryan formally and offered his hand for a shake.
"Hey Buddy, I am Williams" said Charles father and shook his hand.
"It's indeed a pleasure meeting you in personal sir, have a heard a lot about you from Charles" said Ryan
"Hope you heard only the good things about me" said Williams and laughed
"Yes Sir, of course" said a visibly embarrassed Ryan
"You guys must be tired, please take some rest and we will talk during dinner" said Williams and left the room, a stunning assistant followed him.

"Your dad got some style" said Ryan heading towards the guest room.
"Money brings the style, you will learn that art slowly" said Charles
"I am heading towards my room, you take rest here and I will call you for supper" said Charles and left for his room.
The guest room was decorated tastefully with mahogany furniture, a soft comfortable bed and visibly expensive painting hanging from the walls. The chandelier on the roof itself would have costed a fortune thought Ryan. He saw a mini fridge in the room and opened it, the fridge was full of beer and wine bottles with a couple of chocolates and bag of chips lying on one of the shelf.
He opened his bud light and jumped on the bed for some rest.

"Where's your mother Charles?" Asked Ryan on the dinner table.
"The marriage costed me hundred grands and the divorce costed me hundred millions, both were worth it" said Williams and laughed
Charles has always hated his father for the divorce, as it was his father's infidelity that pushed his mother to take this decision. He was visibly angry on this comment of his father's and stared right into his eyes.
"Charles is not happy with me for the separation and somehow blames me for it. I suggest we should not ruin our weekend talking about the past" said Williams
Charles kept quiet and gulped down his glass of apple martini.

"Ryan, Charles told me that you want to talk to me about our business" said Williams
"Yes Sir, I am myself interested in being a stock broker and pursuing my career in this field, just want to know your thought on it" said Ryan
"Well, we run a hedge fund having over 2 billion dollars under management. In layman terms, we ask rich people to invest with us and commit them a annual return as interest which is way more than the interest they can ever earn from their banks. We make a pool of this money and invest in stock markets worldwide, hedging our position, so whatever happens to the market, we will generate profits. We keep a part of the proceedings and pass on the remaining to our clients. Pretty simple, huh?" Said Williams and took a sip of his single malt.
"You invest this money in equity or derivatives? What if you lose the money on any of your position? What if the client wants an earlier refund of their money? What if the world enters into global recession?" questioned Ryan
"You seems to be all prepared" said Williams and smiled
"We don't commit any fixed return to our clients, the returns are based on the market performance, so if the market go southwards then there can be a negative return as well. We hedge our positions, so if one of our position goes down, our other position will cover the loses and hence generating an overall profit for us. Finally, we are giving an annualised return in the range of 15-20% which is way more than the meagre 2% interest by the banks, so the HNIs are always willing to take the risk" completed Williams.
"Wow, so it's a no risk business for you, whatever happens to the market, you will always make a profit for your clients and hence the commission for your business" said Ryan
William was impressed with the knowledge and business acumen of this young guy. Ryan was having that spark required to excel in this field that he was expecting from Charles.
"Yes, you are very much bang on. If you are interested than I can hire you as an intern in our company, you will get to learn a lot about this business on the floor with our expert traders" said Williams and rose his drink for a toast.
"Wow, that would be awesome. But I still have two semesters left in my course" said Ryan
"You can work after your classes, you will even get some stipend for your time, it will be a nice experience for you" said Williams
He was very much impressed with Ryan and wanted him to work for his company, his plan to expand business will require resources like him.
"Thanks Mr Williams, if working part time is a possibility, than I am very much excited to start this internship" said Ryan
"Great, meet me on Monday at our office on Wall Street" concluded Williams

Williams completed his drink, asked waiter for another drink and left the room for a much required cigarette break.

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