"Minxie! How are you feeling?!" Caspar greeted as he came into Joe's and I's room.
"I'm feeling fine," I smiled.
I got up and gave him and Oli a hug.
"Are you allowed to get up?!" Caspar asked, "Joe had mentioned you were on bed-rest."
"Yeah, yesterday and the day before that," I nodded, "I'm just still taking it a bit easy."
"That's great! So, are you pregnant then?" Oli asked.
"Hopefully," I laughed lightly.
"Anyway, f.uck you Joe! That mask is my closet almost made me s.hit myself!" Caspar yelled as Joe came in the room.
"You deserved it!" Joe laughed.
"He put a clown mask in my f.uckin' closet, so when I went in there it terrified me!" Caspar explained to me.
"It was the same one we used in the balloon prank that Oli wore!" Joe laughed hysterically.
"Joe!" I laughed.
"Was there a camera in there for the footage?" Oli asked.
"Yeah, a Go-Pro camera," Joe laughed.
"Whatever happened to the shower pr- oh, nevermind," Oli said quickly.
"Shower pranks?" I questioned.
"Don't worry about it," Joe shook his head.
"F.ucking Oli," Caspar shook his head.
"Tell me," I whined jokingly.
"Thanks Oli," Joe groaned, "Caspar was trying to prank me in the shower a long time ago when I lived at the flat with him, but he had to delete them because, well, one, his prank didn't work and I didn't even notice it, and, well secondly, you were in the shower with me and... yeah," Joe said raising his eyebrows to imply that we must have been doing something in the shower, if you know what I mean.
"Don't worry, I deleted it all," Caspar assured me nervously.
"Oh my God!" I laughed.
"S.hit, I thought you were going to be so angry," Joe breathed.
"As long as you deleted it," I shrugged, "Did you watch it though?" I asked nervously.
"Well, obviously not all of it," Caspar laughed, raising his eyebrows.
"We saw enough to know what was going on," Oli laughed.
"You saw it too?! Oh my God!" I laughed.
"It's gone forever though, no worries!" Caspar assured me.
"I guess it was our first sex-tape!" Joe laughed.
"Ew, f.uck off," I laughed, playfully shoving him, "Yeah, that only your best mates saw!"
"Uh, yeah, ew!" Joe laughed.
"Anyway, as long as it's gone, I don't care," I shook my head, "Although it's a bit embarrassing," I laughed.
"Don't worry about it, it was my fault," Caspar shrugged.
I could hear Noah becoming a bit fussy in his room through the baby monitor, so I went to check on him.
"Mama," He whined.
"What's up, baby?" I smiled, lifting him up and out of his cot.
I carried him through into the kitchen and got him a bottle and he happily drank that as I took him back into Joe's and I's room.