"Lilith, there are some people that I want you to meet," Andrew said. At that point, Daniel walked up to him and looked at Lilith.
"Who are you?" Daniel asked looking at Lilith.
"I sit in front of you in English. I helped you with your English paper," Lilith said. Daniel was trying to remember who she was, when Matthew and Alex walked up with Allison and Emily by their side. They all looked at Lilith and questioned her. Just like Daniel, Matthew and Alex doesn't know who she is.
"Matthew, I sit next to you in Algebra II and Alex I'm the girl that was assigned to help you with your history. You three seriously don't remember? Idiots," she said sipping on her smoothie.
"Guys, on a more related note. She's my Guardian," Andrew said. At that point, they all look at her differently and Lilith choked on her smoothie.
"Excuse me, Guardian? What the hell is that?" she said. Matthew whispered something to Andrew and the Guardians and they all went into an empty classroom. Alex was pulling Lilith to go with them, while she was complaining at them.
Once everyone was in the room, Matthew started to explain to Lilith everything. "Okay, I know this is hard to grasp, but stay with us. Alex, Daniel and I are Guardians. We are in charged to protecting or keeping an eye on our own Royals. These four are Royals. They are princesses and princes," Matthew said.
Lilith stopped him by saying, "Hold it. If I have to hear this story, one of you has to get me another smoothie." She threw her empty smoothie container in the trash can and she made it in.
"I got this," Alex said. He held his left hand out and with his other hand, he waved his fingers around and a smoothie came up. Lilith stood up shocked and looked at the smoothie. She held the smoothie in her hand and looked at all the Royals.
"Prince James, Guardian is Daniel. Princess Allison, Guardian is Matthew, Princess Emily, Guardian is Alex. Prince Andrew," she said pointing at all of them one by one as she confirmed who they are.
"How did you know that?" James ask. Lilith took the smoothie from Alex and sat back down on the desk.
"Easy, I'm a person watcher. No one notices me, so I sit in the back and I watch how different people act. That's how I know which one of you are Royals and Guardians. For the names, that's easy. I know you four, and while you guys are pulling me over here, you called each other by your names. Again people watching. You'll be surprise at what you will be able to learn from it," she said drinking her smoothie.
"Okay. So you should know that we came here to take you home, with us. You're Andrew's Guardian," Daniel said.
"I highly doubt that. How's that even possible. I don't know or trust any of you, because I don't believe this. This is just make-believe. I can't believe you guys drag me in here just to hear a fake story," Lilith said and left the room.
After she left, Matthew said, "I told you she was going to be a Non-Believer."
"Yes, and you also said that she was a he," Daniel said.
Suddenly they felt a strong wind behind them. They all turn around and a portal was opening. They were all holding on to something. Then Brian jumped through the portal and landed on his feet. After he jumped through, the portal closed. He looked at all of them and he was angry.
"What were all of you thinking!" he shouted at them.
"Well, we were thinking that the Royals should come with us, since we were responsible for their safety. It would be unwise of us to leave them at our world without us. Plus, we're finding Andrew's Guardian. He should be here," Alex said.
"If you three really do care for those four's safety, then you would have left them in our world. There's a reason why no one goes through the Forbidden Portal. The hunters that mainly want the Royals' crown were banished in the Forbidden Portal by the Keeper, and during the process of the banishment. They took the new Keeper with them. That day was the main reason why King Francis and his Kingdom is missing," Brian said.
"You can't leave us with the whole story missing. Tell us more," Alex said.
"I'll tell you all later, once we get back into our own safe world," Brian said walking out of the door. "First we need to find your Guardian before he gets himself into trouble."
Everyone flinched whenever Brian said "he". Brian saw everyone's faces and asked, "What?"
Alex stepped up to Brian and patted him on the back. "It's more like a she than a he," he said walking out.
"It's a girl!" Brian shouted.
"I can't believe that we spent the whole day without finding her," Andrew said as they were walking in the park. They were all sitting on one of the picnic tables talking and looking for anyone that looks like Lilith. But the only person that they saw were little kids running around.
"Why are there only little kids running around in the park? Isn't a park for everyone," Alex said. Then a woman walked by them and once she saw them said walked towards them. A little kid came by and she picked him up and continued to walk towards them.
"I'm sorry, but did you see a girl about your age walk by here? She has brown hair and she had a blue backpack," she asked.
"I'm sorry, but we only saw little kids and that's it. Why is there a problem?" Brian said. The woman put the little boy down and told him to go play with the other kids at the playground.
"No there's no problem it's just that I let the kids play in the park every other day. I let families come watch and play with them. I'm Amanda, I run the Westwood Orphanage," she said.
"Can we go and play with them?" Emily ask and Amanda nodded yes. They all followed them to the playground where at least fifteen kids were playing. They were all little kids. The youngest is probably like five years old and the oldest looks like twelve years old. Allison and Emily went to go play with all the kids and Alex joined them. Matthew, Daniel, Andrew, and Brian stayed with Amanda under a big oak tree.
"Kids did you find Lilith?" Amanda ask them. Once Andrew heard "Lilith" he walked up to Amanda and asked, "Did you just say Lilith?"
Amanda nodded and a girl walk up to her. "Lilith's in her usual spot in the tree watching us."
"Thank you Katy," Amanda said and then there was a little kid screaming. The kid was on the swing. The little girl was screaming and was about to cry. Brian was looking at Amanda seeing if she was going to do something, but Amanda was taking care of someone else. Andrew was about to see what was going on until someone landed next to him and ran towards the swings.
It was a girl. Not just a girl, it was Lilith. She stood in front of the moving swing and when it was coming towards her, she wrapped one arm around the girl and her other arm holding the swing trying to stop it. Once the swing fully stopped, Lilith carried the crying little girl and walk behind the swing. A boy was behind the same swing that the little girl was on.
Andrew and Matthew were walking up to hear what they were talking about.
"What was happening Hunter?" Lilith said.
"I was only pushing her on the swing. I thought she was doing fine on the swing because she was laughing. Then May came up and said that it was her turn pushing Mary, so I let her. But then as we were pushing her, the swing was moving faster and we couldn't keep up with it ," Hunter said. Then a girl his age came up and said, "We're sorry."