Chapter Three

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There was a knock on Lia's door early in the morning. She sat up and blinked for a moment.

"Come in," she called out, alert and focused.

As a man slipped through the wall, Lia stared. There was a jolt in her mind, but it instantly disappeared. She stood up wearily. Her guest commanded attention, dressed in a black trench coat, his dark hair curling at the nape of his neck and around the collar. He looked like he was in his thirties, but, of course, looks were deceiving with reapers. His skin was far tanner than most reapers, and his eyes were captivating. They were icy blue. For a moment, all she could do was stare. Color. She was astounded. After a moment, they faded to gray, and Lia blinked. Was she imagining things?

He pulled off his gloves as he looked around her place. As she waited awkwardly, she felt as though he belonged there, and she was intruding on his home. Finally, he stuck out his hand in greeting. "I am Westin, the new master of the area." He spoke with an accent similar to Allen's.

She touched his hand gently, uncomfortable with the tension that settled between them. "Lia," she said shortly.

He held her hand for a moment too long. "You're trembling."

"Too much caffeine I expect. It is a habit I indulge in far too frequently. Are house calls going to be a common occurrence for you?" she asked as she pulled away.

"No, no of course not. I intend to respect the privacy of those in my unit. One of the messengers mentioned that I might speak to you on a private matter."

"Have I caused trouble?"

Westin strolled around the room. "It's odd isn't it, the things that leak through from their world to ours? For example, your home reeks of a substance known as marijuana and there is a barrier block for aromas." He stared at her intently.

"Master, if there is..."

"Westin," he interrupted.


He moved closer to her. "Please do not refer to me as Master. While I am the new master, and I will expect the respect and obedience associated with the title, I do not want the title used."

Lia began again. There was no uncertainty in her voice, only impatience. "Very well. Westin, is there something in particular you wanted to discuss with me? Or are you simply here to inspect my temporary shelter?"

A wry smile crossed his face. "I do believe I mentioned respect."

Silence followed his comment, and he continued. "I am here because the report from your old master mentions trouble with the new reaper, Allen. He has finished his induction and training, and yet he struggles with controlling a soul. There is mention that the transition was unusually difficult for him. You are the oldest reaper in this unit. He will shadow you for a few days on your reaps or until I feel he is comfortable enough to be on his own."

Lia balked. "I am not a trainer. I am sure Paul is far more suitable..."

"Obedience," Westin interrupted. Lia quieted. "Respect and obedience, Lia. There were no reports that you were trouble for Jackson. Are you going to be trouble for me?"

Lia felt an awkwardness that she couldn't explain or identify. It was not something she was sure she felt before. She was uncomfortable with Westin, but she was trained to listen and obey the master. "I am not used to the responsibility of another reaper," she said quietly.

She met his gaze through the silence that followed. The look in his eyes held her attention. He seemed to be searching for something from her.

"I will change your schedule to accommodate the extra workload. I will expect an oral report at the conclusion of each session. In return, if you would like a day off, that could be arranged."

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