Chapter 4

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*4 weeks later*

Ashton has been feeling a lot drowsier than usual. He hasn't been want to do anything lately. He was alone since Luke was at work. It was very odd considering he's never felt that way.

Ashton let out a long breath and got up to use the bathroom. What could be doing this? He didn't have a clue of what was happening. Once Ashton was heading out the door, he felt a wave of nausea and ran to the toilet to throw up.

Now he was extremely worried. Ashton felt panicked and sat on the floor with his head in his hands. Should he call Luke? But what if it's not that serious? He could just have the flu. But he didn't feel sick. He was just tired. He thought over the last few weeks and tried counting the unusual things that were happening.

He was tired, more sensitive, and he just threw up. He got up and brushed his teeth. He sighed and went in the living room.

He got his phone and Googled the symptoms. Yeah, and he got the most heart stopping results.

"Pregnancy symptoms?!" Ashton's  whispered yelled. That couldn't be possible, could it? He was a guy, he can't just get pregnant. Well, only 10 percent of men are born with pregnancy parts. Ashton was sure he wasn't in that 10 percent, though.

He looked down at his stomach and pulled up his shirt. He wondered what it would be like to actually carry an actual baby in there. He doesn't remember having sex with Luke though.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him. He remembers his mum telling him when he was young, "if you end up liking boys, just be careful, the doctors told me you can have babies."
As if she knew he was gay and a bottom.

He was only 10. He had went to the doctors because he had really bad cramps.  And the results were that his body was getting ready to have a baby. Kind of like menstruation.(periods) he didn't bleed out of his áss, but since his body was preparing for that, it made changes down there. Instead of bleeding, it's just a clear substance. (Idk how it would work to just hang on with me) it only lasts one to two days but it is painful as fúck.

Which was weird because he hasn't gotten his 'period' in years. So, for this subject to come back, is really shocking.

Ashton really started hyperventilating. He could be pregnant for all he knows. He felt tears brim his eyes. He felt sad at first, then mad at Luke because he got him drunk, but then scared because what if Luke doesn't want him anymore? Because he's a freak that got pregnant? Ashton was pacing back and forth in the living room.

He finally had Calm down and scheduled an appointment at the doctor.

He was nervous to go. Obviously, because what if he sees an actual fetus inside of him? It's scary to know you're going to have a baby, when its unexpected and a teenager.

He took a deep breath and went to the kitchen. He made some lunch and sat down. Ashton was trying to avoid the subject, he didn't know what he was going to do. If he was, how would he tell Luke?


Luke had come home and saw Luke sleeping on the couch. He smiled fondly at the image and put his things away. He made some dinner and went over to Ashton to wake him up. He presses a kiss to his cheek and patted his leg.

"Hm?" Ashton said still asleep.

"Ash, I made food. If you want any..."

Ashton quickly sat up at the word food. Luke looked at him in amusement. He had never seen Ashton get up so fast for food. Ashton coughed awkwardly and spoke," what did you make?"

"Pasta." Luke said.

"Okay." Ashton replied, not really wanting to eat pasta.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah. I kind of want soup. I don't know, I've just been wanting it for a few days now."

Luke raised an eyebrow at Ashton. Did he really just say he wanted soup?

"But, ash, you hate soup. How would you just suddenly want it?"

Ashton looked down remembering what had happened earlier.

"I know it's odd for me to want it all of a sudden, but I just do. Okay?"

"Okay okay, didn't know you'd get emotional over that..."

"Shut up, Luke. I'm going through something." Ashton glared

"Uh huh. Maybe like your period..." Luke said jokingly. Luke looked over to Ashton and saw him glaring and his hands in a fist. His eyes widened and he put his hands up in defense. "Hey, sorry. Didn't mean to pìss you off."

Ashton took a deep breath and just slumped his shoulders.

"What's wrong? You looked really pìssed off just now." Luke said serving him food.

"I don't know. I've been a lot more emotional lately. Anything can pìss me off now. I threw up earlier and I've just been really tired."

"Oh... I don't know what to say.."

"It's fine. Just try not to pìss me off anymore. Like saying dumb stuff."

"Okay. I've noticed that you've been like this for a few weeks, now."

"Yeah, I— I have a doctors appointment tomorrow..." Ashton admitted.

"Really? Is it that serious?"

"Yeah, I mean... I could be- uh..."

"Be what? Don't tell you're going because you think you're pregnant or something."

Ashton's eyes widened and he felt embarrassed at Luke's words. He looked down and waited for denial.

"Ashton, are you being serious right now? You really think that you're pregnant?"

"You never know, Luke. That's all I have to say." Ashton got up and put his plate away. Ashton felt rejected.

This was going to be one hèll of a year for him.

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