The Types in High School

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ISTJ - The somewhat stuck-up kid that always does their homework and would rather die than break a rule

ISFJ - The responsible kid that ends up doing the whole group project by themselves and lets others copy their homework

INFJ - The dark, sensitive, brooding soul that is normally quiet in class but makes a great friend if you get them to open up

INTJ - The know-it-all kid that constantly corrects the teacher and as a result pisses off the teacher

ISTP - The sarcastic kid that nonchalantly cuts class to hang out with a few friends

ISFP - The shy kid that doodles everywhere and/or is the best musician in the school

INFP - The shy kid that daydreams of making the world a better place and keeps a journal full of poetry

INTP - The quiet (except when asking questions) kid that asks a million questions and inadvertently frustrates the teacher

ESTP - The jock that is also a stoner and cuts class to get high with a large group of friends

ESFP - The drama geek that is also a stoner

ENFP - That one really happy and hyperactive kid that runs to all their classes and is friends with pretty much everyone in the school

ENTP - The weird kid that is always telling dirty jokes and likes to come up with alternative ways to solving math problems

ESTJ - The kid that may as well be the principal because they go around reminding all the 'troublemakers' of the school rules

ESFJ - The kid that gets mad/sad when you don't invite them to your party because they 'thought you were friends' (even though you almost never talk)

ENFJ - The student body president who is a social butterfly and is liked by most people

ENTJ - The kid that takes no shit and will tell anyone off

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