Hello this is not an update and I am sorry for that but I don't know where I'm going with this I did but now I don't . Rose is dead. And I don't know what to do. Should I have them go to the funeral or should I have some kick ass magic bring Rose back for a short time. If you have a preference please private message me since my comments are not working right now. And to clear things up with some people Daniel is Dan. There will be a sequel and I don't know where I want to go with this except that it will be a series. I hope you lovelies have a great day or night and there might be updates today because I don't think that I have school today I don't know I'll keep you aware. Bye! And one more thing just to clarify if this is real and that you guys see the numbers too. 20,000 something reads. That's amazing like wow. I never thought that one of my books could get that many reads. I thought my writing for my age is decent ok. But you guys my friends seem to differ a lot.Thank you guys so much for the comments votes and reads. You guys have made my week! 👏😃 Your Amazing!

WerewolfRose Patterson was unwanted. By her real parents,her pack and even her mate but when she gets pregnant everything changes. Everyone wants her but for all the wrong reasons. Her pack because they find out she is the white wolf,other supernaturals bec...