Good news and new tails

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Friday 18th March

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days but nothing interesting has really happened, until now.

Ok, so I'll start with the good news.

On Thursday Dylan officialy joined the constellation. If you didn't know, Dylan was considering joining the constellation after discovering he was a therian. So he will be the new eta in the constellation and hopefully we will be able to help him discover his therian name (he hasn't discovered it yet).


On to the second part of this update, my new tails have finally come! I don't know if i mentioned it or not in a previous update but I was waiting for my first real tails to come. So they arrived today, though according to etsy they're still in Miami. :)

Its ashame the school uniform is so strict, which means I can't wear my tail in school except for 2 lessons which are maths and english as both teachers are really nice.

Oh yeah, shout out to : ValkyrjaAllure on etsy. This person sells amazing eco friendly fox tails and this is where I got both of my tails from (see the picture above).

So thats all for this update.


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