3. Coffee?

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I text Calvin for the first time that night, four days after we met. "Hey, is this Calvin?" I wait around five minutes with no response, so I take a shower since I still smell gross from my workout with Karlie. When I get out of the shower, I see my phone is lit up with a reply.

"No, it's Adam. Who is this?"

My heart sinks. "Oh, never mind then. Wrong number, I guess." I reply, not wanting to tell this Adam who I am without risking a need to change my phone number.

"Wait, I'm just kidding, it is Calvin! I'm guessing this is Taylor? 🚂"

I smile. "Yep! Why'd you say Adam?"

"It's my birth name. Adam Wiles."

"Which should I call you?"

"Whichever you prefer. Typically my good friends and family call me Adam."

"I'll just call you Calvin for now." I feel like that would play into the game Abigail has me in. Reel him in, right? He texts back an "okay, we will see about that ;)" And i find myself blushing. A wink?

My hair is already drying into its naturally waves, so I just finger comb it and diffuse it. Might as well embrace the waves for the evening. I set my phone down and find the face mask I like to use at night. It might not be green, but the white cream on my face still looks slightly terrifying.

A few minutes later, I realize I have another text from Calvin. "Coffee tomorrow?"

"Why coffee?"

"You seem like a coffee girl."

"Hmm. I suppose."

"Great. I'll pick you up at 9."

"Okay!" Only is it later do I realize I haven't given my address. I decide to go along with it, though. I am a bit well known, so he probably kind of knew where I lived? I'll ask him tomorrow, should he actually find me, I decide.

The next morning, in a panic, I call Selena at 8. "You have to come over!"

"What? Why?"

I groan. "You don't know, do you??"

"Know what? Besides, what the hell, Taylor? It's barely dawn!"

"Just come over!"

It's Selena's turn to groan. "Fine, fine, I'm on my way. But don't scream when I arrive and I'm not wearing makeup. Or a bra."

"You're the best!" I squeal, then put down my phone. I make faces in the closet mirror, trying to figure out what to wear.

Selena arrives about 8:30. She invites herself in, so I jump when she comes in the closet. "You scared me!"

"Sorry, sorry! But I brought coffee! So, what's this all about?" Selena looks at the floor, where I've haphazardly piled potential outfits. "What's that all about?"

"I'm going on a date."

Selena's face lights up. "A DATE?"

I sigh. "Well, I don't know! Kind of? Like, for coffee?"

"Hmm, yeah, that's a semi-date. Who with??"

"Calvin Harris?" I.. Ask?

"As in, the underwear model?" Selena asks, used to the fact that I ask questions when I'm nervous.

"That's the one. And I have NO clue what I should wear."

Selena looks at me thoughtfully. "Well, that depends what kind of vibe you want to give off. You could do one of your crop top outfits, obviously, since that's kinda your jam right now... But how fancy? Your outfit sets the tone of the coffee 'date' and what level of a date it is."

"Way to put the pressure on me!" I exclaim.

"Hey, it's not me, it's society. You COULD always wear sweatpants..."

"Gimme one of your crop tops. Er, my crop tops." I cut her off.

She smiles. "That's what I thought!"

Twenty minutes later and Selena has finished doing my hair and makeup. She went with a more natural look, with subtle eyeliner, shimmering nude eyeshadow, but mascara to make my eyelashes pop. As for my hair, it's straightened as I've preferred lately, with my side bangs hair sprayed into place in case of any blustering wind. I've just finished putting my heels on when the doorbell rings. I jump, then freeze.

Selena bursts out in laughter at this display. "Shush!! He'll hear you!"

"What do you want me to do about it?" Selena asks, her hands in the air.

"Hide! In the bathroom!" I pause. "Unless he needs to use the bathroom."

"If he starts this maybe date by using the bathroom, I'll kick him to the curb, Taylor," Selena growls.

I grimace at the idea. "Fine. Hide!" I shoo her into the bathroom, then hurry downstairs, with a quick double check in the mirror. Picture ready - Lord knows I'll be dealing with that.

After taking a deep, composing breath, I open the door with a smile. "Calvin!" I say.

"Ready for coffee?" Calvin asks. "Oh."

"Of course! What?"

"Well..." He says, gesturing towards me. Only then do I realize that not only have I put on mismatched heels, but I'm still holding my coffee that Selena brought me.

"Shit," I swear under my breath. "Just.. Hold on!" I bustle upstairs, scurrying to find a matching heel -- ANY matching heel. That's when I hear her. I know, at that point, it's too late for him. It's too late to stop her. I stumble into a pair of matched heels and scramble into the hall in time to hear her finish her infamous speech.

"And Calvin Harris, I swear to my Lord and saviour if you do anything to hurt that sweet girl or her reputation, I'll kick your balls so high up your ass they'll fly into the sky to never be found again, you hear me?" Selena says darkly. 
I catch Calvin's eye, hoping he sees the apology in them.

Selena turns and sees me. "Oh Taylor! Hi!" She smiles sweetly.

"Coffee?" I ask with a weak smile.

Author's Note: thanks for all the feedback guys! I hope you enjoy this. I got a lot of ideas today for how and where I want this story. Please leave a vote, comment, etc below :) I love you!

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