{3} Tickets & Reunions

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Bella's Pov-

"What the hell is this?!?!" Emily yelled throwing the magazine down in front of me. I felt like I was
in a military camp. She scared me...

"Well, It's another rumor." I stated hoping to sound confident.

"Don't lie!" She screeched.

"I'm not!" I protested.

"Read the fucking article!"

Harry Styles girlfriend was spotted walking out of the doctors office with Eleanor Calder, girlfrend of Louis Tomlinson. What were they doing at the doctors? Well it seems Isabella was getting an ultra sound. She admitted that she was pregnant with the deceased Harry Styles child.

I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. "It's true..." I whispered.

"Omg why didn't you tell me?!?!?"  she exclaimed.

"I didn't tell anyone" I teared.

"What about Eleanor?" Her voice was lower but she was still pissed.

"I'm sorry, she found the test." I said while tears spilled out of my eyes.

"I-I , bye" She said before she stormed out.


The sound of my phone ringing made me jump. I picked it up without checking the caller I.D. People's voices
filled my ears.

"even though it's been a few weeks I still can't believe your here" A voice that sounded like Louis said.

"Believe it" El told him.

"Yup I'm here, but the one person who I want next to me won't believe it" A deep voice said. Harry.

"Oh my god! Thats what they wanted to tell me!" I muttered under my breath. I put the phone on my pocket and
slipped my shoes on then grabbed my keys-or Harry's keys. I went outside and climbed in the car and put the key
in the ignition then turned it. The car started with no trouble.

I immediate backed out of the drive way and sped to the hospital. Soon red and blue flashing lights behind me caused
me to pull over. I groaned in frustration. The police officer got out of his car and walked up to my window. I rolled the
window down and he asked, "Ma'am do you know why I followed you?"

"Because my tweets are funny?" I retorted. He shook his head at me.

"Slow down, next time I have to pull you over It's a ticket." He informed me. Then he said I could go so I did, Ignoring
the warning he gave me.


I groaned slowing down again and pulled over. This time it was a differnt cop.

"Hello ma'am. I'm going to have to ask for your license." He told me. I fished around my pocket but I couldn't find it.

"Uh, I left it at home." I said sheepishly. He wrote somethings down before giving me 5 slips of paper. I looked at them.

Ticket for: Not having license

Ticket for: Speeding

Ticket for: No seat belt

Ticket for: Not using turn signals

Ticket for: inappropriate writing on car

The last one confused me. I got out of the car and walked around the back. There on the back of the car it said in big letters:
HARRY SUCKS BALLS. I shook my head in disapproval and turned towards the cop.

"Can I go now? I literally have 2 more blocks to go." I begged.

"Go ahead, but I have to follow you." He replied. I nodded and got back in the car and started it-again-and drove off slowly with
the cop following. A few minutes later I pulled up to the hospital and got out walking over to the cop car.

"Thank you, This is my stop" I said to him.

"Okay but make sure you get a ride from someone else because if your caught driving again, you could go to jail" He informed me. I
nodded and waved bye then ran into the hospital.

"Harry Styles?" I asked the receptionist.

"Room 317" She replied. I took of down the hall and came to a stop infront of his room. I opend the door and walked in. everyone
looked at me with shock on there faces.

"Bell" Harry smiled. I smiled back.

"Ok, before we get into this emotional reunion, WHO WROTE THAT ON THE BACK OF HIS CAR?!?!" I exclaimed. Lou had a guilty smile on his face while El and Harry looked at us like we were crazy.

"Me" Louis admitted.

"Then your paying this.." I walked over to him and put the ticket on his face. While I did that I didn't realize I dropped the other ones.

Lou picked it up and looked at it the smirked up at me. Eleanor suddenly started laughing. I looked over at her and saw she had papers clenched in her hand.

"How many did you get?" She choked out.

"5" I replied. "now on to the reunion. HARRY!" I screamed running towards him. I hugged him tightly.

"My badass Bell" He said. I glared up at him. "what made you believe?" I glanced over to Lou and he checked his phone.

"Oops" he said. " I butt dialed her." The door suddenly opened revealing Niall who was reading a magazine with....me..... on the cover.
I glanced at El who got the memo and tackled Niall to the floor.

"WHAT THE FU-" I cut him off coughing loudly. El dragged him out of the room along with the magazine.

"I'll just go see what that was" Lou said awkwardly walking out the door.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"No-nothing" I said to quickly. He didn't believe me. I took a sharp breathe preparing to tell him. "Harry, I need to tell you something."

"What is it, love?" He asked in concern

"I-I" I chickened out, " I love you"

"I love you too." He pecked my cheek.

Eleanor's Pov-

"What was that?!?" Lou and Niall exclaimed.

"Sorry now give me the magazine." I ordered. he handed it to me and I immediately ripped it up.

"HEY! I was reading that!" Niall yelled.

"Do you really want to read about stupid rumors?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

"Exactly" I said.

"Please tell me what that was?" Louis begged me. I shook my head and he groaned.

"Meanie" He pouted.

"But you still love me" I teased.

"Yup" he popped the 'p' the kissed my lips.

Nothing Lasts Forever (Sequel to My True Savior)Where stories live. Discover now