.blahwordswrittenwithitalicblah = thoughts
A crowd of people formed at the football field.
Nothing unusual. Naruto and Sasuke found a "good" reason to pick up a fight. No one tries to stop them, since it's hilarious, unless it starts to be bad. Naruto was rarely winning a fight. Everytime, the Uchiha boy tried to intimidate him. And it always worked.
This time, they made a deal. The oh-so-wanted-prize was: whoever loses gets to be the winner's slave for one whole week, 24/24 . How will they settle this ? Through a fight ?No. Through a football match. The teams were made up of four members each one, of course if they wanted, their family members or friends could participate. Naruto's team is made of Minato, Kiba and Shikamaru. Sasuke's team is made of Fugaku, Neji and Lee. Friends, other classmates and family came to watch. Everyone knew about thei "interesting relationship". They really enjoy their ractions to everything. The match began and everyone was giving their best.
"Oi, dobe, can you cook ?"asked the Uchiha boy. Confused, Naruto replied:
"Yes.. why ?"
" I just wanted to make sure since you're going to loose."answered Sasuke with an smirk on his face."Oh you, fucking bastard... I won't loose! "
With all this said, the match finished. One looser, and one winner. Guess who ?The teme won, of course. Everyone got back at their homes. Except for Naruto, who had to go with Sasuke at his place.
As they entered the raven haired boy's room, he instantly spoke:
"Dobe, clean up my room."
"What ?"
"Clean. it. up. You know, using the vacuum, napkins.. ""Oh you're so gonna pay for this ...". The blonde boy started to clean with the vacuum. Sasuke was just reading his comic book, staying on his bed.
"O-oi ... teme.. c-could you help me with this ?" suddenly the blonde haired teenage boy asked.
" What ?"said Sasuke amused.
"I-i can't reach it !". Naruto had a disadvantage. He was smaller than Sasuke, and couldn't reach the dust cleaning spray that was on the top of his closet. Sasuke slowly got up. He gently placed his hand at the edge of the closet, with the other hand reaching for the spray. Naruto was trying to cover his face with hair. He was blushing.The teme gave Naruto the cleaning product, but still having his hand placed at the edge of the closet. Naruto couldn't get away, his hand was blocking the way, and on the other part, was the wall. Sasuke was slowly starting to stare in the blonde's eyes. "His eyes, have that astonishing blue..."Thought the raven boy. He placed his sight on Naruto's lips that curved into a gasp. "He possesses such juicy-looking and meaty lips, he doesn't even know. Wait, what the actual fuck ?Why am I thinking this ?This dobe is just a...dobe. He's a boy, I'm a boy. I should stop reading those idiotic comic books Sakura is giving me."
"Why is he looking at me like this ?Why isn't he taking his hand away ? Why does he smell so good ?His hair is just looking so soft. What the hell, am I going insane ?What the ... what is my brain thinking ?Should I say something ?I think I should. This is awkward. What is this feeling ?" thought Naruto.
"Can you move your hand now ?"suddenly the blonde asked. He was trying to hide his blush with all his might.
"Uh.. just clean the dust and you can go home after."replied Sasuke, scratching his head.
Naruto cleaned the dust fast, Sasuke didn't had too much wood furniture in his room. Naruto took his orange hoodie and left.
It's the middle of the night. Naruto is laying in his bed, thinking.He remembered how intense was Sasuke staring at him. These thought made him blush, so instinctively he covered his face with his both hands. "Why did he do that ?Why did I blush ?Why do I feel like this ?Oh fuck, Naruto. You're a man, act like one. Now it's good, i think im really starting to go insane, i'm talking to myself. But, it's not that bad, right ?Everyone is talking to themselves sometimes, right ?RIGHT ?! ... Who am I asking if this is right ? We're friends since childhood, and I can't stand him and he can't stand me. YOU FUCKING BRAIN, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ?! Eh...it doesn't matter. I'll ignore this, for the moment, and this feeling is going to continue, i should find a person i can talk with. Maybe... Sakura-chan ?Yeah, Sakura-chan. I just can't talk about this with my parents, they'll think i'm crazy, and neither my friends, they will think the same. I also can trust Sakura-chan." He kept thinking, and thinking and thinking, untill he felt asleep, thinking about ... teme.
The next day, the students of the school didn't had a reason to ask Naruto what's his problem. He was forced to carry Sasuke's bag too, just like his own wasn't enough. They entered the classroom, and after slamming Sasuke's bag on his desk, he got to his seat. As soon as he sat there, three classmates were coming to him.
" Hey,hey, what's with this face ?"asked a brown haired boy, with two red fangs on his cheeks.
" He's fucking taking advantage of me !" replied the blonde boy.
" Well there's nothing you can do, you lost the football match. I told you from the start it's going to be troublesome..."replied Shikamaru.
"Let's go to the cafeteria and eat something, maybe you'll feel better !"added Chouji, eating from a bag of chips.
Naruto started to laugh,then got up. He was walking between the three guys, talking,laughing, going to the cafeteria. Sasuke was just looking at them. He looked like if he could, he'd kill all of those three just for standing next to Naruto. "Damn, what's this feeling? I should stop thinking like this...Fuck it."
It was lunch time. Everyone was gathering into the cafeteria."Good thing old lady Tsunade managed to put ramen in the menu !" said Naruto slurping the noodles in his bowl of ramen.
"Oi, eat slower. "commented Kiba.
"Just let him eat as he wants ... it's troublesome to tell him what to do, he won't do it.Unless you're Sasuke, i don't think you are him."
Naruto ignored the last part of Shikamaru's sentence. He was looking around, like he was searching for someone.Finally. He saw Sasuke, but he wasn't alone. Karin was clinging to his hand. She wasn't planning to let go of it. Naruto was staring at them. "What the fuck , Sasuke ?Do something ! Why are you letting her clinging your arm ?..the fuck ?Shit, another feeling... why does my brain think only murder plans when i see that ?! I hate this feeling ! Feeling,get out from my fucking brain and chest !Oh, now it's better, i'm not talking to myself,i'm talking to my feelings. Such a great guy I am." Naruto was thinking so deep, he didn't realise that someone was standing right in front of him shouting out his name.
"Snap out of it, moron !"shouted the person.
"Eh ?What ?Sasuke ?What do you want this time ?"asked Naruto.
"Go and bring me food. ''
"What ?Why ?You can bring it by yourself . God gave you two hands and two legs to use them, not to be raped by some desperate fangirls." Naruto just didn't realise the last part of the sentence he said. That feeling...that feeling he hated so much finally got a name, and succedeed in getting out from his body. What happened to him ?

And when hate turns into love...-SasuNaru Fanfic-
FanfictionTwo boys. Childhood friends. They can't stand eachother for too long. One loves to tease, and the other one hates to be teased. What if this "hate" between Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto turns into real love ? ATTENTION THIS IS A REALLY OLD FIC A...