PSSSST. The picture is one I took at the ABQ Warped date in 2014. Just an FYITay POV
Jenna showing up tonight was probably the best thing that could have happened. I honestly hate these events, everyone is so serious and they tend to be assholes. I'm glad I had Jenna here to hate everyone with me. We had walked out of the kitchen and were weaving through the crowd of people hand in hand. We were trying to find my mom, since Jen told me she wanted to see us. I was nervous of course, it's kinda weird for your mom to see you with the girl she caught you making out with. But it happens and I had to get over it.
The amount of people suddenly started getting very tightly packed together. This caused Jenna and I to get pushed very close together. So close that Jenna was basically holding me. Through the crowd in front of us I saw my mom laughing with a couple of people by the piano. I held Jenna's hand tightly and started to push through the people crowding my house. It was hard, like damn people with money really do not like to move until they realize who you are. We reached my mom eventually. Jenna seemed nervous, but my mom looked excited when she saw us.
"Taylor! Come, come. Sorry, I must take my daughter to see Ray. Please, continue to enjoy yourselves!" Mom waved off whoever she was talking with and came to us. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. She did the same with Jenna, who just smiled and was the most polite I had ever seen her.
Mom started to guide us back into the study where I saw my dad talking and drinking from his glass of whiskey. It was the first time I was seeing him in about two weeks. He turned to look at us when he heard our footsteps coming into the room. He smiled at my mom and started to look over at me. He smiled at me with the same warmness he's always had when he looked at me. His eyes shifted to my left and his smile disappeared for a second before it came back. He motioned for us to come forth while he dismissed the men he was talking to.
"Hi, hun. I see you found Taylor, or did she find you? I assume the latter since I know you LOVE to talk to everyone around you," he said as he put his drink down and kissed my mom.
"Does that matter, Ray? The important thing is she's here right now, just like you wanted her to be," Mom smiled and leaned into him.
"True. Now, Tay how about you introduce us to this pretty little thing beside you," my dad said. He eyed Jenna carefully. I could feel Jenna tense up beside me.
"This is Jenna McDougall, my date tonight. Jenna this is my dad Ray Jardine," I said. I let go of Jenna's hand and she extended it immediately.
"It truly is a pleasure to meet you, sir," Jenna smiled brightly and shook my dad's hand firmly. Her voice did not crack, no ounce of nervousness was visible in her anymore.
"McDougall? Owner of Ink Inc. Tattoo Shop Mc Dougall?" Dad looked at her curiously, yet, he seemed hopeful.
"Yeah! That's my dad's shop, or shops since he one back in Australia and off course the one here," Jenna smiled cheekily. She seemed so proud to be saying that.
"Interesting, so you're the blonde teen that was running around the shop about a month ago, right?" He asked. I was totally lost in the conversation now.I looked over at my mom and she just shrugged. We were both confused.
"Yes, sir. I spend time at the shop when I am off school. Dad likes to teach me to use the machine and give him very shaky pieces on his thighs. Except of course I'm not blonde anymore, as you can see," Jenna joked and brought a laugh out of my dad.
"I knew you looked familiar. Except of course your hair is green now. I went to your father to get some work done, and now I believe we are going to be doing some business together," Dad said. Work? What? Did he get a tattoo?
"Work?" I said out loud.
"Oh, yeah. I got yours, and all your siblings birth dates and a little symbol that symbolizes each of you on my arm. I'll show you later," he winked and continued talking to Jenna.
After the conversation with my dad, the party went on for a couple of hours then died down and everyone started leaving. Everyone except Jenna, that is. See, Jenna and I hadn't really gotten to talk alone. When we went back out out the main room, my dad's associates started to talk to us and kiss our asses. They were so stupid, saying shit like how progressive my parents were for having a gay child and how brave we were to be so open about it. It was so cringe worthy.
It was around midnight when the last guests left. The second they were gone I ran up to my room with Jenna and started to rummage through my clothes to change out of the dress I was wearing. Jenna walked around the room, looking at all the little trinkets I had on the shelves of my room. I found some shorts and a tank top and excused myself to the bathroom. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't really believe what the hell was going on. I'm in the bathroom changing while Jenna McDougall is in my room exploring the stuff inside. I'm getting ready to go back into the room the kiss the fuck out of her and maybe cuddle the fuck out of her too. I just, I'm in awe.
I walked back into my room and found Jenna looking at a picture on my desk. I walked up behind her and looked at the frame she was holding. It was a picture of me and my siblings when we were around 4. Simpler times before they thought they were better than me and tried to prove it every second they could. We were cute back then, always playing and taking care of each other. This picture is my favorite, and the only one that included my siblings in my room. I was grinning, wearing a big hat, overalls, and lots of bright colors.
"You were really cute." Jenna did not lift her eyes off of the frame.
"I was?"
"Are. Was. You've always been cute. But I do see you kept the dimples," Jenna said. She put the picture down and turned to look at me with a small smile.
"I don't think I could have gotten rid of them even if I tried," I said and leaned my forehead against Jenna's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed my head.
"Ow! Asshole! Are you trying to fucking juice my head?!" I yelled. Jenna just laughed and kissed my face. She lowered her hands to my waist and picked me up.
"I'm sorry, love. It's just you're so cute I have to squeeze the hell out of you," she said while she spun me around.
"Jenna stop! I'm getting dizzy," I managed to say through a fit of giggles. Jenna was laughing loudly but kept spinning until she crashed into the bed and we fell on it, laughing throughout the whole thing.
Jenna placed her arm lightly on my stomach before looking back up at me. Her beautiful steel blue eyes looked deep into mine and her cheeks started to get a pink hue before she looked away. She ran her hand through her hair and bit her lip. She looked like she had something to say but yet she didn't say anything. All she did was look at her watch then look back at me.
"It's late. I should probably go," she said. Her voice was dull, as if she was saying it more because she thought she had to.
"Oh, okay. I guess I'll walk you down," I said and slid off my bed. Jenna got up behind me and placed her hand on my hip. She pulled me close and comforted me while we walked down the slight spiral that was my staircase.
We got to the bottom and found my parents drinking champagne sitting on the piano. Dad had his glass in one hand and the other on the keys as if he was about to play. If he did, that would be the first time I'd hear him play a tune since he got his new job. He must be somewhat drunk, or else he'd already be asleep or be in his study filling out paperwork, if he even stayed home.