Chapter 10

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~26 weeks ~ this story is moving along! If you would like anything to happen in this story, please DM me and I will think about putting it in! I know a lot of health problems can go wrong with triplets most of the time, but this is a fiction book.

I pay attention to the sermon as the pastor speaks God's message for today. This is the second time I've gone to church and I really like it. I am starting to understand what the word faith really means. I never really paid attention to it until now.

At the end I get up from my seat and walk around till I find Courtney. I find her talking to someone I have not met yet.

"Hey Courtney..." I say. She smiles and introduces me to her other friend.

"This is Aiden. " I shake hands with Aiden.

"I'm Tess." I say towards him. He walks away after a bit and Courtney drive me home.

Since I can't drive, I need someone to take me everywhere including church.

I get home and walk inside. There is still the mess from the baby shower. Everybody is too lazy to pick it up. I go to the bathroom then search the house for my family. Is struggle a little on the stairs but I make it. I find them in my bedroom. Arms crossed and giving the stare.

"What's wrong?" I ask. My mother hold up a monkey outfit. One adult and three baby so they all match. "I got it yesterday!" I defend my self from their holding gazes.

"It's adorable!" Lily giggles.

"I am going to call Aubrey since you guys are being ridiculous." I walk downstairs, phone in hand and I call Aubrey's cell. It answers on the first two rings.

"Hey! How are you?!" She asks first.

"Good! How are you?"

"Great....almost a month for me! When are you due?"

"December twenty eighth. Although, I am hoping that I get them a little sooner then that..."

"Like when?" She asks more curious than anybody else has been about it.

"Maybe December 15th or something...not sure. Before Christmas though!" I can hear her laugh thru the phone.

"Do you want to hangout today?" I ask wanting to get out of the house.

"Sure. Is it all right if my brothers come along? I'm watching them since my mom and dad are out of town."


"Great! I'll be there in fifteen!" I hangup and get some waffles I made yesterday from the fridge.

I hear them in the microwave for twenty seconds before eating them plain.

I hear the doorbell as soon as I finish and I waddle over to the front door. I open it and find a teenage boy holding a six year old. Aubrey is behind them just now walking up the stairs to the porch.

"Hey!" Aubrey says pushing past the other two. We hug for second before she introduces me to the other two.

"The smaller and smarter one is Liam and the older but annoying is Isaiah. " they both have jet black hair but Isaiah has green eyes while Liam has blue. Although they both have darker tan. It's strange that they could be related to Aubrey. Aubrey is a pale redhead with freckles all over her face. Her green eyes are the only resemblance to her brothers.

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"Nice to meet you!" I say towards Liam and Isaiah. I turn to Aubrey. "Can't Isaiah watch Liam?" I ask.

"They are both immature as they look..." In my opinion, only Liam looks immature due to his age but Isaiah gives off a bad boy look. Although I can see him being a nice guy.

"Oh! Congrats on triplets!" Isaiah says randomly. I laugh since I would expect that once I've given birth.

"Thanks! But they aren't here yet..." I can hear Aubrey's silent laugh. A few minutes pass before Aubrey says anything anything.

"Alright, you boys can hangout down here if that's okay and we are going to hang out!" She rushes them to the couch.

We go upstairs to my room and I find all the baby clothes I got at the baby shower sprawled across the room. In the middle of the mess is my mom and sister looking at all the clothes.

"Mom! Lily!" They look up from the outfits in their hand.

"Tess! Tess's friend!" Lily happily mocks.

"The name is Aubrey." Aubrey says introducing herself to my family. Out of no where I hear a odd noise. Lily's eyes go big as she looks to the corner. I couldn't see it from the door frame. I go more to the middle of the room and look in the direction lily was looking in.

Nathan just had an accident on the carpet and some clothes were included. He sits there with a big smile. His gray pant were damp and now so is the carpet. Lily picks hip up and takes him to the bathroom while mom goes gets some cleaning supplies.

"Well, this day took an unexpected turn!" I say to Aubrey.

"It's alright... Liam still pees his pants!" She laughs and goes to sit on the bed. My mom appears and I do my best to help clean up with her.

We get the spot cleaned and mom leaves the room. Aubrey and I chat for a few hours before checking on her brothers because apparently they "cause trouble".

We both walk downstairs to find Liam and Isaiah sleeping on the couches. The tv is halfway thru with playing the movie ratatouille.

"Shouldn't you wake them?" I ask Aubrey.

"Nah, they don't usually take naps so I'll enjoy the quiet." She responds.

"Oh! So I'm moving!" Since I remembered why not tell her!

"That's great! When are you moving?" She asks. Before I could answer she starts talking again.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot that my mom and dad had wanted the boys somewhere. I had forgotten and it was horrible timing!" I don't know what to say for that so I just say "I understand."

They left with in a few minutes after waking the boys.... I found Isaiah to be attractive although I didn't pay much attention to it since it won't go far.

I go find my sister. "Hey sis..." I whisper, walking into Nathan's room. His toys scattered everywhere and the orange walls had a few crayon marks. I go to sit in the rocking chair.

Nathan wasn't in the room but lily was folding his clothes.

"What's up?" Lily asks and she goes to sit on the small bed.

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