*a few weeks later*
*niall's pov*
I just couldn't get that Sara waitress out of my head. I mean dirt if all she works at freaking NANDOS. Secondy she told tori off like bit was an every day occurrence, which it probably was, but still. And thirdly she was gorgeous she has this curly light brown and blonde hair that lays perfectly behind her back and shoulders... I had gone back to nandos a few times since we all (except haz and laur) had gone and stayed and chatted with her for hours, she had an amazing personality and it was really helpful seeing as Emily had broken up with me... Yeah, about that... One of her exes, this dick named nick (haha rhyme) had texted her and she snuck out at 2 in the morning that night/morning to see him.
The next morning she told me she still had feelings for him and that she had snuck out and talked and kissed and she realized she couldn't be with me anymore. Sooo yeah she basically played me and my heart just to run off with some dick at the drop of a hat. Wow. Yeah, I know, trust me.
So, anyway I liked going to nandos and chatting with Sara, she was always so much happier than Emily and she just had this glow to her. Like she was a goddess or some weird shit. But she was amazing. I'm glad that I met her when I did, because she's perfect. I actually asked her on a date too, and she agreed, tomorrow night I'd pick her up at 7 from nandos and we'd go out to dinner at KFC and then see a movie.
I honestly couldn't wait at all. She was so perfect and beautiful I just looked like an idiot when I was around her.