Cherry Pop *~5~*

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Cookie: Lalalala, I felt random and found a pic of anime girl that reminded me of Stacy, all sad and alone O.O

Now the song "Dearest" from Inuyasha is one of my favorite songs from the anime. ^_^

It's weird but when I'm writing this story I picture everyone as anime characters O.O hmmm *laughs*


*~Stacy's POV~*

That same afternoon after school, I ran into West at the grocery store.

      I don't know why I was so surprised to see him, it's a small town and we both lived in it but as I watched him casually stroll towards me in a confident yet predatory manner, my instincts kicked in and I found myself backing away.

     A slow and knowing smile spread across his lips as he watched me backing away. His dirty blonde hair was slightly tousled in a strangely becoming manner, still wearing his red basketball jersey. His hands were tucked in his black jeans, black boots soundless as he continued to stalk after me. My eyes darted to the black shirt he wore beneath the jersey and I had a suffocating feeling that I was back in that dream, the dream where he had massive black wings and wore all black.

     I turned and stumbled into a rack of spices that I hadn't known was behind me until it was too late. Small bottles of spices clattered on the floor, one rolling towards West. His foot shot out and stopped it. I swallowed and watched him bend down and picked the spice up, wondering why I had to run into him of all people.

     Was it just coincidence or...? No, I thought, it must be just coincidence. West couldn't have possibly known that I would be here and came looking for me. That dream was making me paranoid.

     West straightened and closed the distance between us, bottle of spice in one hand. He examined the bottle with a curious look on his handsome face before his blue eyes met mine. Then he smiled and for some reason my heart skipped a beat.

     Dangerous, my mind whispered. This boy is dangerous.

     "Fancy meeting you here, Stacy Bennet," he said, offering the bottle of spice to me. I glanced at it but didn't take it.

     West cocked his head slightly, the smile on his face becoming a full fledge grin. I shivered and held the pink food basket in front of me, as if the little thing could protect me from him.

     "What's wrong?" He asked. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

     Or a devil, my mind retorted. I winced at the thought.

     "I didn't know you were so clumsy," he chuckled, setting the bottle back on the rack since I refused to take it. His eyes settled on me. "Are you going to pick those up?"

     I looked down at the bottles of spices at my feet and flushed. I don't know why I felt so embarrassed all of a sudden. I bent down and set the basket aside, picking up the spices around me. I flinched when West bent down to help.

     When I reached out a hand to pick up the final bottle his hand reached for it at the same time, brushing gently against mine. The sudden contact made me jump and I snatched my hand away. Heart pounding, I lifted my eyes up and met his. They twinkled back at me with the same mischief I've often seen in Courtney.

     I stood and quickly arranged the spices back on the rack, ignoring West as he did the same. When I was done I picked up my basket and turned and walked away. My instincts told me to get away from him and fast.

Cherry Pop Blues *~GirlxGirl/GirlxBoy~* (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن