2nd night

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My eyes were locked on the handle for so long . Holding my breath and my knife. I took my eyes off the door and checked the time.it was 3:30 A.M . I had been gazing at the door for about half an hour but nothing had happened.

I turned off the lamp,put on my eye shade and covered my head by my pillow.I didn’t want to hear another sound.

“It’s all just a nightmare”

I whispered myself to sleep.

The next thing I heard was my mobile phone’s alaring going off. It was 9 A.M and I was already late for my classes.

Nothing of my last night was on my mind. I jumped out of my bed opened my room’s door (which by the way wasn’t locked anymore and I didn’t notice that at that time.)and went to bathroom.

Anyway, I got ready and hurried out to be punctual.

That day I had classes till 6:30 P.M and I would take me about an hour to get home.

2nd night

I got back at 7:30 P.M . I was totally exhausted. I went to my dvd collection and picked up a dvd of Two and a half men , my favourite tv serie.

Although I had watched it for several times but it was yet funny.” How lame would it be without Charlie Sheen!” I thought.

Watching that I lost the truck of time. It was around 10 and I was hungry. So I went to the kitchen and found some leftovers.

I was as tired as last night and I wanted to sleep but suddenly I remembered a vogue picture of my last night.

“ just imaginations” I told myself trying to stay strong although deep in my heart I knew that wasn’t imagination.

I locked all the doors and finally locked myself in my bedroom.Then I looked for my knife but I couldn’t find it.

I slept. I had four consecutive dreams in all of which someone was watching me. In all of them a dark faced person with sharp ears was watching me.” Hey what do you want from me?” I wanted to shout at the dark faced guy but I was awaken as my mouth opened to say “Hey…. “

I had my eye shades on but I could hear someone breathing in my room.The breathing sound got closer. I was completely still. My entire body was paralyzed. I couldn’t even open my eyes.

The breath got so close that I could feel it on my cheeks. I tried so hard to move my face but I couldn’t. it was as if I was seprated from my body. I wanted to shout with all my power but I was voiceless.

That was when I remembered every detail of my last night. My 2nd night had just begun….

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