
141 4 0

Valeria Romo


Me, Myself, & I



Enjoy! ;)


You're at the park with Nathan. You are holding hands while taking a leisurely walk. You both come to a stop and sit down on a bench, still holding hands. "Do you want to oaky 'Would You Rather'?" You ask Nath. He nods. "I'll start off first!" You inform him. He nods once again. "Would you rather swim with sharks or eat a slug?" You ask. "Eat a slug!" He answers. "Really?" You say, wincing at the thought if Nathan eating a slug. "Well, the whole shark thing is Max's, not mine!" "Oh!" You say as that's true. "Okay! My turn! Would you rather sleep with a thousand tarantulas or would you let a snake on your arm?" He asks. "Both are pretty bad and venomous!" You inform him. "It's just pretend!" He informs you. "Fine!" You say. "I guess... I would have to choose the snake!" You answer. "I would have chosen that, too. I wouldn't want to sleep with tarantulas, there's more if a chance they'll bite you!" He says flinching at the thought of it, which made you flinch as well. "On to a more serious note, would you rather marry me or date a supermodel?" "Ooh! That's a toughie!" He says and as he said that you pinched him in the arm. "I'm just kidding, I would marry you!" He tells you. "Why?" You ask, being very curious. "Well, first, I'm dating you, you're a beautiful person and it seems right. Second, I love you! Third of all, how would I be with a model? I wouldn't have a chance!" You smiled when he said he loved you, but then your smile turned into a frown as you heard his third reason. You hold both if Nathan's hands and say, "Puh-lease! Any girl would be lucky to have you, let alone date you. Especially a model, because I am very lucky to have you!" As you finished saying that you held his arms to your heart and he smiled. "And please, Nathan don't ever doubt yourself! Your handsome and perfect the way you are." You assure him. "Yeah right!" Nathan says while rolling his eyes. "It's true! Promise me you will never doubt yourself ever again!" You tell him. "I promise!" Nath says. You lean into him and give him a peck on the lips. He returns the kiss and he says,"That's the reason I love you!" You smile at him an kiss one last time before you get up and head to the ice cream truck, holding hands.

-Hope you loved it! :)

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