Chapter 21: Awkward Ex's

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It was Raina's favorite day of the year. Her birthday! She was so excited about her party that she had planned she could barely contain herself. As she skipped and jumped throughout the house a rainbow aura followed her. Raina's older sister, April, wasnt too fond of the trail raina led. She walked out of her room , forgetting about the trail, and inhaled some of it. She coughed and proceeded to yell at her ecstatic sister. But Raina heard Aprils voice two octaves higher.

Raina broke down in a fit of giggles before she heard a knock on the door. She nearly tripped over herself running to answer it.

It was Starry of course.

With her was Rose. Rose had a star shaped box in her hands.

Raina smiled and gave rose a hug.

Something caught Raina's eye.

She paused time for a quick second and rewinded the lapse.

It wasnt a something, but a someone.

"Who is that?" Raina said aloud to herself, since no one could hear her speak. It was a male figure from what she caught.

She was satisfied with her findings so she unpaused time.

Most of the day raina and starry made plans for the party at the pizzeria.

The had a short time span, since Vincent was going to pick them up a few hours before the afternoon shift started. Vincent has to sub for Fritz.

Raina sat on her bed and jotted down ideas for the party.

"What about helium balloons?"

Asked starry, laying very uncomfortably on the floor.

"Yeah, those will be fun."

Raina sighed and made a cloud for starry to sit on.

"You looked uncomfortable."

Starry sat on the cloud and thought some more.

Someone started knocking on the door.

Raina opened the door with a swipe of her fingers and flew starry over the her bed where she was sitting.

Her mom hated her using magic.

"Hi mom!" Raina chirped.

Starry looked for her phone charger in her bag.

"Hi Raina. I got your report card, and you need to work on your math."

Raina scowled as her hair straightened.

"Mom I have a friend over! Homework can WAIT."

In her anger, Raina threw a glass cup against the wall unknowingly.

Raina's mom glared at the wall, shocked.

She took a breath.

"If homework can wait, so can your trip to-"

Raina looked up at her mom.

"Don't mention that."

Her mom glared at the cup, then her.

Raina sighed

"I'll fix it later."

"Thanks sweetiekins. Do your math or your grounded. Love you. happy birthday!"

And her mom closed the door.

"Raina,you alright?"

Raina levitated the glass shards and put them back together.



Raina and starry went into an office and found a computer.

They worked on math for quite awhile.

"Starry, where do I find the value of X?"

"I don't know, just wing it."

It showed up as incorrect.


Raina looked at the doorway and saw Vincent standing there.

Raina had a poker face.


"Let's go"

Vincent, starry and Raina all left and headed to the pizzeria.

When raina and starry walked through the doors, the whole building was empty.

The two wandered to the office they were supposed to go to.

When raina flicked on the light, everyone was there!


"Oh my gosh guys, thank you!"

Raina gave everyone a hug.

PurpleRainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang