Chapter 1

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I raise my head, blinking away the sleep that had formed under my eyes and yawn noisily as my pet spirit wanders around aimlessly.

"My head is sore!" it wails.

"Mmmmm..." I mumble grumpily, for I had just been awoken from one of my most interesting of nightmares. What? I like nightmares. I guess I'm kinda different. "Shut up. What's the time anyway? I wanna sleep."

"Mistress, it is three am... you missed your alarm and have slept hours over your regular wake up," my spirit informs me.

"Ahhhhh... Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I'm so late for Night School! It started at 9 PM, you dimwit!" I groan loudly as my father enters my room.

"Dad... what did I say about knocking?" I continue to groan like an undead ghoul.

"Isadora, you are late for night school. Whythe house of representatives. Actually, it may be best for you not to go at all tonight," dad tells me. "You know that I do not care much for how you get educated, that I leave to your mother. I only want to make sure you know how to act the proper young demon and that you know the rules. Is this clear?"

I sigh, agree, and shut the door behind him, grabbing my iPod and earphones from my desk along the way.

My name's Isadora Janet Maryanne Elizabeth deLune. I'm 115 years old. Oh, and I'm a Demon, or A Devil or maybe a Vampire, and in some cases an Emposai. I told you I was different.

"Mom, Dad?" I yell to the house while shuffling to my parents study/living room. "What are you guys talking about, 'cuz I heard the two words 'change' and 'schools'. What's going on? Am I moving to a different night school?" I ask as I walk through the living room/study doors, cutting my parents off from their conversation.

"Sweetie, it's for your own good. The night school was attacked last night by the Trylle, lucky you weren't there, and has been destroyed," my mother explains to me. "There are no other night schools that are in the area who, want to take you in, because of your silly disagreements with other classmates. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is, especially to the deLune family name? "

"Well," I mumble, "it's not my fault that the cheerleading team's uniforms caught fire in the first place; they were dim-witted enough to reason that gasoline was perfect for making the uniforms shinier. I was only responsible for the lighter, which I was waving around to get my friends attention."

"Young lady, that's not the point! What about flooding the Home Ec. Kitchen?" my dad inquires

"Again, not my fault, the tap broke," I reply.

My mom sighs, and dad shifts the papers in his hands into a neat pile and sets it down. I catch a glimpse of a school emblem, to be precise the emblem of a boarding school I one went to on the orientation day, called Karoen High, where the girls and boys board separately and take classes together. BORING. It was a HUMAN boarding school, not a MONSTER boarding school. WAIT.

".......WHAT? Why do you guys have enrolment papers for a HUMAN school?!? Are you going to send me there?!?" I ask them, worried.

They look at each other, then back to me, then to the papers, and sigh simultaneously

"Well, yes that was our original plan, to send you off to a Human day school, to help shield us from the Trylle. But, seeing that that plan would have failed as the Trylle would attack any school, we figured that it would be safer to move house, school and work and create new identities for all of us. We'll send you to Karoen High, the boarding school, to keep you as safe as possible." My mom explains, sort of sadly.

"But..." I start, then realise something else. I don't have any friends so I always sit alone during both break times and classes, I hate my newest night school and maybe I could get a better room then the trash that was handled of to me." Actually, yeah, that's a great idea. Do I get any guilt money to spend, since you are uprooting me from my friends?" I ask sweetly, sure that my parents would say yes and would cash out for me to buy another headphone set, because my pet soul literally went through half of my electronics and permanently set them on horrible screechy Human music and all I wanted to listen to was the Screaming elBanshees, a new all girl band who sounded awesome.

"Fine, but I'm only giving you 5 thousanddollars," my father tells me tiredly, while forking over the cash. He then tellsme to go pack my stuff, and that we were off in the morning. 


Hi! Kesh here, hope you are enjoying the story! I have pre written teh story, up to about Chapter 9, so i will be uploading a lot of chapteris in like one day!

thanks for reading, put suggestions in teh comments! :)

love, form Ultamate K3$H

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