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It's beyond complicated, it's frustrating. I hate it, the lack of control, the need to want everything the way you want it but not have it, thank you universe! My life has not sucked any worse or has it not. It's depressing, I am depressing, I hate to cry, I'm crying.Crying is weakness, crying is lack of control, I lack control. It gets me so angry, shakes my nerves to the very core, it's revolting yet taking out my anger, writing it, pouring every ounce of it into writing even with shaking fingers, not yet, but will make me feel so much better. Ecstacy hasn't been any better today, I'm starting to lose hope, I'm slipping through the realms, it used to be my escape, along with writing, what happened to not feeling, becoming numb to the pain I so bitterly feel,such is a question beyond human knowledge, perhaps. Yes, that very thing I so crave. Self control is a power in its own likeness of which I do lack.Very much so.

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