Chapter 22

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~I decided too let you guys pick your new regeneration! Same inserts as last time for descriptions. You can just put in different things if you want. And 'n/' means new.~

Doctor's pov
I see a bright orange blast burst from y/n and then it disappear. She lies there with a gorgeous n/h/l  n/h/c hair, flowing around her head. Her n/s/c (new/skin/color) radiant and flawless. I walk over to her and kneel to the side of her. She blinks her eyes open and turns her head to look at me.
"Doctor.... I thought I died?" She asked a bit confused.
"My dear y/n we forgot one thing since we were caught up in the moment." I as she lols at me funny.
"What do you mean?" She ask as I chuckle lightly.
"We forgot that you are part Timelord." I say as y/n sits up and gives me a hug.
"I thought I was never going to see you again." She says as I hug her back.
"I thought I would never hear your sweet voice again." I say as I hold her.
"I love you." She says.
"I love you too." I say as I give her a kiss on the forehead. I let her go and then help her up. "Do you feel well enough to stop that blood sucker?" I ask her.
"Definitely. She needs to learn not to mess with a Timelady." She says as we walk out of the cell.

Your pov

"Let's regroup at my manor before Rebecca gets back to check on y/n. Then when we get back we can think up a plan to take down Rebecca." Vastra says as The Doctor clenches his fist.
"No we are going to take her down right here and now." The Doctor says with a tone of anger in his voice.
"Why, if I may ask, do you say that Doctor?" Strax says as The Doctor turns to him. Then looks at him as if he is the most clueless person in the world.
"Rebecca almost killed my y/n. But luckily she could regenerate." The Doctor says.
"Then in that case I have an idea." Jenny says as we all turn to her surprised. "What I can't have a plan since I'm a maid?" Jenny says slightly offended by our surprised looks.
"No it's not that. It's just that most of us didn't think you were smart enough boy." Strax says as Jenny rolls her eyes annoyed.
"I'm not stupid. I can have plans, in fact I can have good plans." Jenny says crossing her arms.
"I believe you do Jenny so why don't you tell us." I say as Jenny smirks.
"I thought no one would ever ask." Jenny says as she starts to explain her plan.

~Time skip due to Chinny trying on different fezzes~

I sit on the cold stone flooring of the cell and hear the clip clap of heels striking the floor as someone draws near. Then Rebecca appears from around a corner and smiles at me through the bars.
"Now look what we have here. A new girl. Or should I say a new regeneration." Rebecca says smirking.
"Your blood and mine didn't mix well with each other.....for awhile." I say as Rebecca opens my cell door and walks in.
"What do you mean my dear girl?" She ask.
"I mean that it caused my regeneration but it gave me new abilities." I say as her expression brightens.
"Really? What kind of abilities?" She ask curious.
"I'll show you just close your eyes." I say as she looks at me suspiciously. But does what I ask of her. I make the hand signal to alert Madam Vastra to take hold and capture Rebecca. Vastra slowly and stealthily walks up behind Rebecca. "Okay I will do my first trick right NOW!" I shouts as Madam Vastra jumps and gets hold of Rebecca. But before Vastra can get a good grip on Rebecca. Rebecca flips Vastra over knocking the air out of Vastra as she collides with the stone floor.
"Is that your new little trick getting your friends to fight your battles for you?" She says with a menacing look.
"They are not fighting my battle for me they are helping me win it." I say as get up and walk slowly towards Rebecca.
"You will never win you know. I already have royal families from around the world wanting send her daughter here. Just think of it! I just won't have the royal crown of London in my grasp but almost the whole worlds' royal families. It will be just so bloody marvelous!" She shouts as I smirk.
"I'm going to kill you before that can happen." I say as I pull out one of Vastra's katanas. I run towards Rebecca with the sword high above my head. Rebecca then pulls out a small hand gun and shoots me in the head. I feel the pain course through me but block it out as I stand in front of her holding the katana. I drop it to the ground. Rebecca looks puzzled and confused as I smirk up at her. "Never mess with a girl who is still regenerating." I say as a bright stand orange burst of regeneration blast out of my head. The blast sends Rebecca flying into a wall knocking her unconscious. I smile happily as Vastra gets up. "Good acting."
"Thanks but she really knocked the wind out of me." Vastra says as The Doctor, Jenny, and Strax return.
"We took down her little helpers." Jenny says.
"What did you do with them?" I ask curios.
"We knocked them out and tied them up in their rooms. Oh and Vastra I will tell you the antidote for the girls if you would like." The Doctor says as Vastra nods in agreement.
"That would be wonderful Doctor." Vastra say.
"What do we do with this creature?" Strax says pointing to Rebecca.
"Y/n and I will send back to her home planet." The Doctor says.
"And will she return?" Jenny ask.
"I would say probably not. But if she does I will just let Torchwood decide her fate." The Doctor says as u chuckle a bit.
"Well we better get going." The Doctor says as he summons the TARDIS with his key.
"I loved meeting you all." I say as Jenny gives me a hug.
"Your welcome back anytime
Miss. Y/n." Jenny says as she releases me.
"I hope our paths cross again." Vastra says as we shake hands.
"And when they do it will be lovely." I say as I drop Vastra's hand.
"Now good bye girl." Strax says as I stare at him shocked the same as everyone else.
"You called me a girl." I say happily.
"Oh I did my mistake sorry girl." Strax say correcting himself making us all laugh.


Me: Hello!
11: 'Ello!
Me: So tell what did you think?
11: I thought it was pretty clever.
Me: thank you. *gives him a kiss on the cheek.*
11: Your welcome Love.
Me: Now my dear readers I will be making 6 new xreaders. Boys take it from here. *11 finally notice the others in the room. wraps an arm around me protectively*
Ciel: A Ciel Phantomhive xreader, and for you who don't know that me.
Eren: A xreader with me, Eren Jeager!
Dipper: A xreader with me in it, Dipper Pines.
Bill: An amazing xreader with me,*transforms into his human self* Bill Cipher!
Levi: An xreader with me Levi Ackerman, brats.
Sebastian: And a xreader with me, Sebastian Michaelias.
The Master: And one with me! The amazingly great Master! *strikes a pose*
11: *sits there looking slightly disturbed*
Me: Master you don't get your own xreader! Everyone else does but you!
The Master: I bloody hate you *walks out of room*
Me: Well tell me what you think about the chapter and the xreaders in the comments! Until next time, Geronimo!

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