Part 28

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I woke up as we hit the ground I blinked a few times as I looked out the window at the faint hint of snow blanketed over London

"please stow away your tray tables, open your blinds and fasten your seat belts as we are now beginning our decent" came over the speakers we soon landed and I walked off and got my bag from luggage claim before looking around when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see two tall men in a suit

"You need to come with us" the other said

"Umm ok?" I said and followed them outside to a car I was starting to really freak out

"Relax" one of the men laughed taking off their glasses

"I HATE YOU" I shouted hitting Phil in the chest

"Ow" he said rubbing the spot I just hit him

"Phil why'd you give it away?" Dan asked

"She was freaking out and I'm the nice one" Phil said and we got in the car and went to their place

"I'm sorry but we thought it would be funny"" Dan said

"I guess it was kind of funny" I said and we arrived at the apartment complex and they helped take my bags up the way too many stairs before we came to the door

"Finally" I panted and they just laughed at me

"What?" I asked

"That's usually how I react to these stairs" Dan said

"Oh" I said

"So I'm going to sleep in Dan's room and you're going to have my bed for the week" Phil said

"No I can't make you do that" I said

"Its fine trust me" Phil said

"Only if you're sure" I said

"100 percent" Dan said

"Ok so Phil's is on the left?" I asked

"Are you a stalker?" Phil asked

"No I was just guessing" I said

"Sure" Dan replied I went and put my stuff in Phil's room then went down the hall into the lounge room where the boys were sitting

"Do you want a house tour?" Phil asked

"Sure" I said and he got up

"So obviously this is the lounge room then we have the kitchen" he said as I followed him

"Be careful at night because the door is glass and it hurts" Dan shouted from the lounge

"Thanks Dan" I shouted back

"then my room and Dan's room" he pointed to each one "and back this way up those stairs is the office or our gaming room depending on the day and downstairs is the toilet bathroom and laundry" Phil explained

"Nice and simple" I said and Phil nodded and we went back into the lounge I sat down on the couch whilst Phil sat next to Dan

"So what have you guys got planned for the week?"

"well today were just having the night in tomorrow we are giving you the London tour Wednesday we are filming videos then Thursday London shopping" Dan said

"Friday and Saturday we are editing and just a hang out here day" Phil finished

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora