Chapter 1

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Haverly was home alone, left to unpack  box after box. Her parents and her had moved from upstate New York, To Bain-Bridge Island, Washington. She had hoped, when her parents told her they were moving, that they would move to California, not some island, where the nearest "popular" city, is an hour away. She would be entering her first year of high-school, and honestly she was terrified. 

Haverly groaned as she heaved herself off of her bed, to go and get some food downstairs. She silently made her way down, the steps were creaky, and she thought they would give away the moment she put her foot down. She entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Inside, she found tupperware marked with "leftovers" she grabbed them and walked back upstairs. When she entered the hallway, a shiver crawled up her spine. 

Something wasn't right; maybe it was the unsettling way the doors were opened only a bit, or the sun (that was now setting) made weird shadows on the wall. She quickly went into her room and closed the door. Her window was open, her bed unmade, and her laptop was flung onto the floor, the screen cracked. She rushed over to it, to check out the damage. That's when she noticed the black feathers strewn around her room and making a small trail leading to her closet. She quietly made her way across her room, and cautiously opened her closet. What was inside shocked her. She screamed. Huddled in her closet was a boy, he looked young maybe a little over her age. He leaped out of the closet and tackled her. Haverly started to kick and yell. The boy clasped his hand to her mouth. He started to speak. "Shh, please be quiet." Haverly could feel her body getting tired. "Please let me explain." The boy spoke again, this time, there was a calm note in his voice. Haverly stopped struggling, and the boy took his hand off her mouth. She felt dizzy. The boy outstretched his hand; she grasped it, and he pulled her up. Stumbling on her own feet, she quickly sat down on her bed. She looked up at him. "My name is Damon Crow, and I need your help." he said quickly.

Damon had black hair, his skin was pale, and his eyes, oddly enough, a stunning green. He wore all back, and a long black coat trimmed with black feathers. "W-what." Haverly stuttered. "I need your help." Damon said again. Haverly sat silently. Haverly surprised herself when she started talking. "With what?" Damon stepped backwards. "And what are you some creepy cos-player?" Haverly said aggressively. "A what? No, I'm a Magic." Damon explained. "A what?" She stared, with a quizzical look on her face. "I'll tell you later, but right now I need you to help me!" Damon's voice rose. Haverly jumped back. "Come with me." Damon's calm face had been replaced with a mask of frustration. "Hell no! I have no idea who you are!" Haverly yelled. "I told you I'm Damon Crow!". Damon responded frustration tinged his voice. Haverly quickly looked around the room. She spotted her phone; it was laying on her bed. She lept for, swiftly unlocking it. But before she could dial 9-1-1. "If you don't leave I'll call the police!" Haverly threatened. "Please, I need your help." He pleaded.

Haverly crossed her arms. Let him explain. A small voice in her head said. She nodded at him to continue. "I'm cursed, I'm a bad omen." Damon explained. "Everywhere I go, I cause famine, death, war, and the plague." He added. "How do I come into this?" Haverly asked. "I don't know, all I know, is that your supposed to break the curse." Damon said. "How do you know?" She was intrigued. "The Grand Magic told me, took me quite a long time to ask him too." He said. "I'm sorry I can't help." Haverly said, with a strong tone in her voice. "But you're a Ravenwind, you have to help, it's your legacy." He said. "W-what?" Haverly questioned. "Ravenwinds a strong generations of Magics, each follow a legacy, to serve humankind." Damon explained. 

"I'm sorry, I'm not part of your world." She explained. His world, whatever world he's part of. Haverly thought. "Where are your parents?" Damon asked quickly. "Out, I'm not sure where they went." Haverly answered. "Why do want to know?" She questioned. There was a clang that came from downstairs; followed by a grunt. Damon and Haverly stood quietly, listening on what was happening. "So this is where the Ravenwinds live, took us long enough." One of the voices said. "Yea, tried to escape us." The second one said. "We have to go now." Damon whispered. He turned to Haverly's closet. He placed his hand on the inside, and mumbled, waving his hand now and then. A blue portal opened up. Damon turned around. Haverly stood in place. "No time to stop, let's go now!" Damon said, this time a little louder. Damon grunted, and grabbed onto Haverly's wrists. Pulling her towards the portal. She heard someone climbing up the stairs. Haverly and Damon enveloped themselves into the portal, and disappeared.  

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