Chapter 25

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Britney's P.O.V

I get out bed, dizziness immediately striking my head. I quietly tap Niall on the shoulder, and he wakes up right away. It's only six in the morning, so he can tell something's wrong.

"What's up love?" he asks, running his fingers through my long hair.

"I don't feel good."

He puts his hand up to my forehead, then sighs.

"I think you have a fever."

He rushes to the bathroom and comes back holding a thermometer, sticking it in my mouth. After a little bit of waiting, he pulls it out and nods.

"Your temperature is a little high. You must have caught a virus or something."

I rest my head in my hands, rubbing my eyes.


I absolutely hate being sick. Especially in the summer. It's like I'm under lockdown! I can rarely leave the house, I barely get any sunlight, and I feel like I'm completely wasting beautiful days.

"Here, sit down." he whispers, propping my head up with some pillows and covering me with a blanket, still warmed from his body heat.

He disappears out of the door and I hear the sound of his feet trotting down the stairs, then right back up again a few minutes later.

"Drink." he demands, holding out a cup of tea and two gel pills.

"Thank you baby." I smile, kissing his cheek as he sits down beside me. "You look cute."

His cheeks redden and he smirks.

From his adorable messy blonde hair to his perfect body, it's hard to believe this boy isn't an angel. I've always loved the way he looks shirtless with sweatpants on. It's pretty damn hot.

He clicks the TV on, flipping through random channels. Nothing that great is on this early in the morning, so he just puts on little kid cartoons. I giggle, sipping my tea. I watch him intently as he focuses on the animals on the screen teaching him letters. I try so hard to hold back my laughs.

Without further ado, my holding back breaks, releasing a loud outburst of giggles. Niall smiles, leaning over and tickling me as I set down my cup of tea.

"Stop Niall, seriously!" I laugh. "Stop!"

He always seems to find my weak spots.

Suddenly, I become extremely lightheaded, and I feel myself literally about to vomit. I roll out of the bed quickly, running over to the bathroom as fast as possible. I hear Niall follow behind immediately.

I lean down over the toilet, and not surprisingly, I throw up.

I sit back, holding my stomach and gagging at the bitter taste.

"Oh God, Brit. Are you alright?"

" I'm okay."

He sits down beside me, quietly singing me a song with that beautiful voice of his. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes, taking in the lovely sound. It's already making me feel better.

Then it hits me.

"Niall, I think I'm pregnant."

His singing comes to an immediate stop, and the room grows dead silent. His eyes lose that bright blue tint, and his smile fades away.

"W-what do you mean?" he stutters.

"I just realized that I've missed my period! And I'm clearly getting the symptoms!"

"Are you positive? Isn't it too early to be getting symptoms even if you are pregnant?"

"It's been about two weeks since we've had sex... this is around the normal time to begin feeling them."

He puts his head down.

"Oh my god."

"You must not have pulled out quick enough... I should have known better! I just-"

"Oh, stop it would you? It isn't your fault. I'm the one who should have used protection."

We sit in silence for a few minutes, and Niall begins tearing up. He leaves the bathroom, and I shortly hear the front door slam.

I get up and follow behind him, resting my hand on the cold doorknob. I don't hear a sound coming from outside, so I silently walk out.

I find Niall sitting on a step, a cloud of smoke around him.

"Sorry." he whispers, still staring ahead. He knows I hate it when he smokes.

"It's alright."

I sit beside him, wrapping my arms around his bare body.

"It's a little cold to be out here, don't you think?"

He nods, wiping a tear away from his eye.

"I don't know what to say... I-"

"We can get through this, Brit. We've done it once, we can do it again. Remember how we got through it with Hailey? We believed in ourselves. And I still do."

I reach up and pull the cigarette out from his fingers, cupping his face in my hands. I gently peck his soft, cold lips, and he blows out a big puff of smoke into my face. I turn my head coughing, and I hear him chuckle.

"Not funny, it's gross." I spit.

I throw the cigarette down onto the ground, putting it out with a stone.

Niall's P.O.V

The words hit me like knives.

"I think I'm pregnant."

Just as I thought things could get bad enough, they've officially gotten worse.

I mean, I know things happen, but baby number two? Seriously?

Keep in mind, we're still only nineteen, and most likely already expecting our second.

I wrap my arms around her small, fragile body, resting my chin on the top of her head.

"We'll go get you a test later on. Let's just not stress out, okay?"

She nods, but I can tell she's breaking down.

"I just don't know if I'm ready for another." she sniffles.

"Hey," I soften up, wiping her cheek with my thumb. "don't cry. Please."

I pull her into my chest, her soft, muffled cries growing louder.

"I'm still here, aren't I? Let's be proud that we've stayed this strong through all we've been through. As long as we work together, we can do this, right?"

"Right." she nods.

Well, here comes the start of a whole new, even harder life.

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