THE REVELATION OF a private office belonging to the king came as a surprise to everyone, though it also seemed to bring about a sense of hope for the possibility of cementing the weapon's existence.
It wasn't long before a plan of action was formed, with Clara being the centre of it. None of the demons had even heard of the office, let alone been in it, and thus, found themselves listening attentively as she described the path leading up to it with as much efficacy as possible, including the library with the secret passageway.
"The books were different," she added as an afterthought.
"What do you mean?" Rylan asked.
"I've just realised it, but the king's library had titles more commonly read on the Surface. They were familiar, with some I've read before."
"You are certain it wasn't the castle's main library that he brought you to?" Adric asked, the doubt evident in his expression as his eyes reflected the scepticism he felt towards the girl.
Clara gave the demon prince a blank stare.
"Yes, I'm certain it wasn't," she huffed, getting increasingly annoyed.
"Locating the library is going to be difficult," Celdric said.
"Why don't you just ask the king?" Adric said with nonchalance.
It took a moment for his words to settle amongst the others, but once they had comprehended its meaning, they seemed to collectively exhale in agitation.
"I should have expected the prince of fools to suggest something as stupid as that," Zephyr muttered. "As if the king himself would willingly give up such information."
The prince scowled.
"I didn't say we have to ask him," he amended before pointing at Clara. "I'm saying she should be the one doing the asking."
Zephyr glanced at Clara before turning to face the prince with incredulity in his gaze.
"Why?" he questioned, his voice increasing in shock.
Clara winced, "I doubt the king would divulge such information to me of all people."
She knew for a fact that he did not trust her.
"Of course, he wouldn't," Adric agreed readily. "But he isn't going to tell you. He's going to take you there."
Another moment of silence passed the group as they stared at the prince with frozen expressions on their faces.
"Your suggestions keep getting worse, don't they?" Jae asked.
"She said it herself—the king's library has books common to the Surface," the prince said as though his plan was the most obvious thing in the world. "All she has to do is come up with some sappy excuse about missing her life on the Surface and how she longs to read some book she couldn't find in the castle library."
"That's . . . a pretty good idea," Celdric said.
Adric allowed a moment's pride to swell in his chest at his brother's easy praise, glancing around the group only to notice similar expressions of regard on their faces. Though, rather unexpectedly, it was Clara who bore a look of unease.
"What is it, now?" the prince huffed.
"The king hates me and I don't want to–"
Adric resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Humans were inconceivably petty.
"Get over it," he said, harsher than he intended.
When Clara glanced at him with eyes widened in shock, he continued, "Who cares if the king hates you? You're not there for him. You're there to find the weapon that's supposed to save your life. So, stop whining about every little thing."

Obsidian's Reign
ParanormalClara Avery was a normal human girl. Or, at least, that was what she'd been made to believe. And yet amidst the dying flames of her ruined car, the few boxes of her personal belongings, and her relentless bad luck, Clara has something far more valua...