Jax: Midnight tonight is awesome
Midnight: sure was!
Jax: heh
Midnight: let's play the Sims 3 pets
Jax: or we can play grand theft auto
Midnight: Sometimes I hate you
Jax: You actually love me.
Midnight: Haha sometimes I do.
Jax: You are crazy
Midnight: your crazy!
Jax: Good night Midnight.
Midnight: Zzz
Stacy: He's mine...
Stacy: He's mi- *flossys off*
*sims music on*
Midnight: oh boy!
Jax: Really mid?
Midnight: TURN IT ON MLP
Jax: you watch that?
Midnight: just do it its 3:06 deal with it
Jax: *huggles you*
Midnight: see you are crazy I am barely wearing clothes.
Jax: your wearing pink pajamas with puppies on it.
Midnight: It's a shirt with puppies on it and I have no pants on!
Mom: you guys ok? It's 3:07 a.m.!
Both: yeah!
Jax: *grabs your foot*
Midnight: really! I am gonna bathe real quick.
Jax: my mom is out there!
Midnight: do you have pants?
Jax: Not right now I do!
Jax: Just come here *carries you to shower and slowly turns it on silent*
Midnight: Woah why are you in with me?
Jax: so you don't get caught?
Jax: Just stay calm.
Midnight: How?!?
Midnight: *bathes*
Jax: *slips on top of your head*
Midnight: um get off now I'm done. *dries off*
Jax: what you gonna wear?
Midnight: I don't know!
Jax: here wear my shirt.
Midnight: ok thanks.. Zzz
To be continued...Wwhat the hell was wrong with me when I was in the 3rd grade lmao

A Dogs Life
FantasyMidnight (Kate) always wanted a dog. She got a ARCHANGEL dog. It left. Drama. Came back. Her bestie Stacy is goth. Her mom kicked her out. All she has is her boyfriend and her dog, Spot. It's the end of the world because half of the planets crashed...