Part 5: Glamour Kills

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This story is based of Jimin's look in this photo  

This story is based of Jimin's look in this photo  

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3rd Person Pov

It was hot. Lights hit and beat down. They don't help with the heat. People were pressed against each other and a thin sheet of swear lined the floor. Shoulders bumped against each other and all air everyone breathed in seemed stale with the smell of alcohol and smoke.

To anyone who would walk into the club, words they might use to describe the scene would be dirty and illegal.

Women were were onstage, subjugating theme selves. Men sat staring and throwing bills. Girls surrounded the gentlemen that were suspiciously placed on the back couches. People moved against one other and with the pounding music.

Among these people was someone named Park Jimin.

He was of smaller stature than most of the men in the club, but always seemed to stand out more. People were often times throwing themselves at him, men and women alike. Maybe it was because of his ability to dance or how he looked when he took of his jacket due to the sticky heat. There was just something magnetic about it and he never seemed to notice it.

But this version Jimin couldn't appal to everyone. In fact one person hated this side of him. That person was his boyfriend Yoongi.

Jimin wasn't like his old self. Yoongi missed old Jimin. He wasn't as quiet or small. Jimin didn't say to stay in the apartment on the couch, his legs tangled with the Yoongi's and read. He wanted to go out and drink. Yoongi missed Jimin's natural face with his glowing skin and small crinkles under his eyes that became covered when he put on his makeup to go out. What he missed the most though was the sweet goodnight kisses Jimin would leave on his forehead, or on his shoulder, as he was laying on It. These were somehow replaced with sloppy drunken bites and the unholy smell of alcohol.

Yoongis Pov

It's three in the morning. He's usually home by now. Where is he?

I wearily pulled myself from my bed and slid on my coat and glasses. I left the apartment and plunged myself into the frigid air.

Jimin usually goes to the same club, just a few blocks away I guess I'll go there first.

The streets around me were quiet as I passed apartment complexes and townhouses. But as I drew closer to 'Shimmer' faint hints of bass sounded through the air.

Due to the time of morning and the fact that it was a Tuesday morning, the line outside the club was surprisingly short. I walked to the guard anyway. I don't have time to wait in like.

"Hey" I said standing in front of the tall man. "I need to get in."

"Why should I let you in front of all of these people."


"Look, I don't want to get in to part, I have to work tomorrow. I just need to find my boyfriend."

He looked at me like he was thinking and examined my sweatpants and glasses.

"You don't look like your here to party. I'll let you in, but make it fast. If I don't see you coming out soon I'm coming in to get you."

"Thank you so much," I sputtered as he opened the club door.

The scene before me was unreal. The club was grand. The ceilings were high and everything was made of glass or platinum. Blue and purple light shimmered off of everything. I could see how someone would get lost within themselves in here.

I began to move through the crowd, pushing through people, many who seemed ravenous and in a daze. So many were just focused on the person they were dancing in and the drink in their hand. Many blankly fought back against my attempt to push though them but I was more determined.

I hated this environment. I could t see how anyone could enjoy the sweat and the abuse and the heat. You wake up the nest day feeling disgusting and then do out and do it all over again. It sounds excruciating.

I finally fought my way through most of the crowd, to where I could see the more elitist group of the club: where men with money, the pimps, the drug dealers, and the women that blindly followed them around were. I hadn't found Jimin dancing or at the bar, so this is the only place I had left to look. I nervously paced past women glaring at me some with longing others with disgust.

My eyes locked onto a man sitting on a rounded couch, through the people dancing around me. Women were in his arms that were propped up on the couch.

He sat in front of a glass table. The table was littered with shot glasses.

I saw a muscled man in a black tank top leaned over the glass table. His back muscles stuck out through the thin mate rail of his shirt, his head slid across the table and he inhaled the White powder that laid across it. The man stood and shook his burgundy hair. He looked directly about me, a thin sheen of swear covered his face and his hair always stuck dork and matted to his forehead. The glitter and black lining that tinned his eyes had become messy, and some black ran down his face.

It was Jimin.

I tried to push through the rest of the crowd, but they were more concentrated, much more together, and probably more drunk. I couldn't seem to make it through. Someone stood behind Jimin and linked their arms under and around his and began pulling him away. Jimin seemed dazed; his eyes were blank and unaware.He seemed to have no control over wha was happened. I knew the man didn't have good intent I could feel it. He dragged Jimin's near limp body down the hallway at the back of the club. I began to struggle through the remaining people. Once I did, I began running to catch Jimin.

I ran through the or organisation of tables and into the dark hallway that, lining the walls, had sets of doors. The third on the left was slightly open. My knees suddenly felt weak as I opened the door.

The tall man that had been holding Jimin now had him laid on a bed that was in the room. His fingers fumbles with Jimin's pant button as he kissed his neck. Jimin's eyes were nearly shut, and his head was rolled sideways. He seemed to try the hardest he could to fight the man off, but he was nearly asleep and it was doing nothing.

Rage shot through me like a bullet.

"Hey!" The mans head lifted from Jimin's neck, a place only my head should've been, and snapped in my direction. "Get off of him. Now."

I stepped onto the room. The strange lighting of the back room caused red light hit my face.

The man didn't seem as if he knew what to do. He knew he was caught, but he disk know who I was and he for sure didn't want someone who he did know to find him, so he simply stood. But, I wasn't going to let someone who touched my Jimin just leave.

I lunged across the room and ounces the man in the jaw. When he leaned forward to clutch his face, I kneed him harshly in the stomach hearing the somehow satisfying crack of his ribs breaking. He toppled backward.

"Get out." I spat coldly. "And for God sake he a decent human being. The man, clutching his chest, left the room.

"Jimin what have you done?"

My boyfriend lay in front of me near passed out. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around him. I threw him over my shoulder.

I walked out of the room and into the hallway. I dreaded having to move through the crowd of people again, so I looked for another way out.

At the end of the back hallway I was in, I noticed an emergency exit, so well, I exited though it.

It opened into an alleyway, which I walked though as Jimin mumbled something into my back.

"You smell like my boyfriend."

"I am your boyfriend You idiot."

"Oh okay." He went limp. I assumed he fell asleep. When I walked out of the Alleyway, I noises appreciatively toward the guard who let me in; he seemed surprised, looking at Jimin hanging on my shoulder, that I was indeed telling the truth.

The short walk back to our apartment seemed to take a lifetime with the weight on my shoulder, and It wasn't only Jimin's body weight. It was the weight that I knew Jimin had an addiction, and not only to substance. I knew he was hooked on plenty of those, including cocaine, which I didn't know about, but also he was addicted to just the party itself. I knew I was going to have to help him through it at, because I loved him with everything.


When we reached our apartment,

I laid Jimin in bed and he stirred awake groggily wiping his eyes and further smudging his makeup.

I walked into our bathroom and grabbed a packet of wipes. When j returned into our roll Jimin sat leaned against the pillows and the backboards. His hands were crossed over his chest and he started blankly at he wall in front of him. I silently crossed over to him and wiped his face with the towelettes, removing the sweat, smeared makeup, and glitter.

"I like your face better like this. The eyeliner washes out your eyes and the base covers your beautiful skin." Jimin smiled and for a moment things were okay. I lingered the wipe on his cheek just staring for a moment. He was so lovely. And I was so worried about him.

Jimin spoke and his voice was near nothing, and it was cracked and dry.

"I am so sorry. I've been so awful recently. The partying- it used to be fun, but now I feel like I have to."

As he was speaking I reached my hands across my body and leaned note the bed crawling over him and laying by his side. I pulled Jimin in close to me, and held onto him for dear life.

"I know you're sorry and I forgive you. I'm not mad I promise. Tomorrow though, we're going to have to check you into a rehab facility, but right now, Just he here with me okay?"

Jimin hummed in response and got comfortable against me. I felt warm on my shoulder. Jimin kissed my shoulder like he used to do.

My heart fluttered.

" I love you Jimin."

"I love you too." 

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