Chapter 8

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A/N: Another really long chapter so I apologize if it's draggy or anticlimactic. I tried my best. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


It's the day of the tournament and I think I just shat my pants for the third time this morning.

Topher, being the eldest (he's 20 and turning 21 soon), took the responsibility of waking us up. The first thing I saw after being shaken out of a very comfortable sleep was his asymmetrical brown hair and his brown eyes crinkled at the corners. He seemed relaxed as if being pushed into an arena to fight was part of his daily routine. But then again he was out there to face the Things for a much longer period than I was ever required to.

Instead of having only one of us take a shower, we decided that it was a special enough day for all of us to take care of our personal hygiene. We each had someone time our showers so there would be enough time for the five of us to bathe. I was last so I only had 3 minutes. And since I am Dexter Young, luck was definitely on my side when the water stopped as I was shampooing my hair. Lovely.

I wiped off the soapiness in my dark quiff with a towel before stepping out to grab my uniform. Rox was leaning against my bedpost, clearly examining my hair. I thought she was going to say something about it but she just kept quiet. When I've finally donned my uniform, we all gathered into a huddle in the middle of the room, Chuck grasping his arms around my neck as he wiggled to find a comfortable spot on my back.

"Alright, when we step foot out there, there will be chaos. But remember, stay together and never lose each other's sight. We don't need to win this, guys, we just need to do our best and that would be enough. You guys ready?" Rox spoke. We all nodded in unison and it was time to go.

She was right.

The minute we opened our dorm door, we saw teenagers in military uniforms scurrying around the army base, each having a bewildered look on their face. I held on to Chuck's knees, making sure he was safe on my back. I turned to Rox and she grabbed a handful of my uniform sleeve. We walked our way across the sea of panicking cadets toward the arena. We weren't allowed to go there before and to tell you the truth; I didn't even know it existed until after the tournament was announced. I snapped my head from left to right, looking for Topher and Stuart but to my dismay, all I could see were a bunch of strangers. I could tell Rox was getting nervous because her grip on my sleeve was tightening by the minute.

Alas, we reached the arena. I thought the field was huge but this was almost twice as big. I didn't think the army base would be this enormous the first time I saw it but then again, I was a completely different person then; all oblivious and vulnerable. But my time here has taught me that oblivion and vulnerability is the number one killer ever since the Plague, not the Things themselves.

The double doors were wide open as we stepped foot into the arena. There was a silver box at the top of the arena where I assumed Chief Commander Joy and the other veteran soldiers would sit to deliberate. There were about 20 people in that box and that was a small number compared to the hundreds of cadets entering the arena along with me. Looking at the well-built guys around my age, I felt very insecure and apprehensive. I was no comparison to them. I was skinny, awkwardly tall and a bit of a wimp. I could only cower at their tough physiques and the murder in their eyes.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the first Killers Tournament. This tournament will test not only your skills but also your perseverance and determination. The winners will be sent out to fight for the freedom and safety of humanity. This prize will be given to only the best and the most deserving squads. This prestigious honour must be well carried out for we will be counting on the winners to fulfil their duties out in the real world. Now, cadets, find your squad members and line up at the middle of the arena because the tournament will be starting momentarily" Chief Commander Joy spoke over the loud microphone.

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