(Ynna's P.O.V)
"I'm sorry, Casey. I shouldn't let go of Tae's hand. He shouldn't had loss earlier. It's all my fault. I am sorry." I said to Casey. We were inside the car already. And we were driving home.
"Ynna, you've been apologizing to me since we were at the mall. I said it's okay." Casey said and gave me a sincere smile. I didn't speak already, I just remain quiet. What did I do? Will Casey find out what had just happen in the mall while I am finding Tae? What if Tae will tell him that we just met his father? Am I a bad aunt for Tae? Aish.
Hoo! I let out a deep sigh. As long as I can keep from Casey what had just happen in the mall earlier, I will keep that from her. It's okay that she didn't know what happened because nothing happened. It will just complicate things.
After a long drive, and after a long moment of silent, we are already infront of my house. I composed my self and open the door and jump outside the car. "Thanks for the ride and for inviting me. I'm sorry about earlier Casey." I said from the moment I am outside.
Casey give me a genuine smile. "It's okay unnie. Tae kissed tita and say goodbye to her." Casey said and the boy kissed me on my cheeks and bid his goodbye. After that I walk inside the house already.
(Casey's P.O.V)
After I pee, I walk immediately towards the area where I left Ynna and Tae earlier. But from the moment I got there, I see no one in the spot. I dialed Ynna's phone number but it's just keep ringing and she is not aswering it. I dialed Christian's phone number and it takes few rings before he answer the call.
"Hello Christian? Where are you? Where is Ynna and Tae?" I asked. Geez! Where did they go? "Casey, Tae is lost. Ynna and I are finding him right now." He said on the other line. My eyes went wide because of the news. "What did you mean his lost?" I almost shouted. Lost? That's impossible. And why is he lost?!
"Someone called Ynna. And she didn't notice that she already let go of Tae's hand. And Tae ran away Casey." Christian said in a calm and deep voice. Omo! "Ghad! Ynna is not even answering my phone calls. I'll hang up. I will find Tae too." I said and after that I already press the end button.
I walk towards the scalator and wait for it to reach the second floor. After I step out the scalator I already saw Ynna and Tae walking fast towards my direction. Ynna look so tired. She has sweat all over her face and she is catching her breath. Tae is beside him, I bet he is crying earlier because his eyes were red.
I spread my arms and kneel down from the moment they reach me. I hugged Tae. Ghad! I can't bare to loss him. He is my happiness. "Casey, I'm so sorry. I let go of Tae's hand. That will never ever happen again. I'm so sorry." Ynna said with his sad look while she is rubbing the palm of his hands. I stand up and look at Ynna. I hold Tae's hand tight.
"It's okay. You already found him." I said while I smiled at her. And that didn't satisfied her. "Casey unnie, please forgive. I will take all the responsibilities. Mianhaeyo unnie. I'm not a good tita to your son." She stated again with pleading sound. "What? No! You are a good tita. Don't say that. It's really okay." I reassure her.
I smiled at her and she do the same thing too. After that I call Christian to inform him that we already found Tae. We decided to go home. I notice that Ynna is so pre occupied, she is also pale. She just become pale when something is bothering her. I wonder what is it.
It all started when Tae got lost. Did something happened to her? She keeps on apologizing when I said that it's okay. Sometime she gave me a smile but it's really obvious that it's a fake one. "Did something happened unnie?" I asked her. She is acting weird right now. And it creeps me so much.
"What?! No! Ofcourse not. Nothing happened. Nothing." She said while giving me a fake laugh. Nothing happened or is she just hidding something from me? Hmmm. "You sure?" I asked again, I'm just trying to change her mind. And she just nodded in response. Okay then.
After a long moment of drive we are already infront of Ynna's house. She jump out of the car and she apologize at me again. Tsk! Weird. We bid our goodbyes and she already went inside her house.
"Tae oh, did something happened to your tita Ynna earlier?" I asked to Tae who is now seating at the back of the car. He look at me and shrug. I look at Christian who is now driving to our way home.
"I noticed that she is acting weird and it all started when Tae got lost. Did something happened to her?" I asked to Christian. "I don't know babe. I'm not with her earlier." He said still looking straight at the highway. Hmm? "Tae where are you when Ynna found you?" I asked at Tae who is now playing at my ipod air 2.
"I'm at the world of fun." He said. I raised my eyebrows. "And who are you with?" I asked him again. "I don't know him. I am infront of the comfort room when they saw me. He was with a lady. He said that he'll buy me the ironman and we walk there. And when I was talking to him I saw already tita Ynna." Tae said. Tae is good in memorizing things and I like that. I will get all the informations to him. I just nodded in response. A man? I wonder who is that man is. And why did he make Ynna acts so weird and shock.