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Your POV

It's been a couple of hours since Connie and Petra died. All that time I've been killing every Single Titan in site to get revenge for His death. Not Petra's. She can get stuffed.
(Not really ;~;)
I could hardly see what's happening in front of me or around me thanks to my rage mode. I still can't figure out why I go flammable when really angry. It sends a weird tingle up my spine.

One by one I ripped the limbs off of helpless Titans. Giving them the worst pain possible before killing them completely.
All of a sudden, when I was about to crush on the nape of a neck, this strange yellow lightning like light came down from the sky with a Big Bang and landed near me on the edge of the forest. Staring straight at that place for atleast thirty seconds.. Nothing came out so I turned away.
I started walking again when I was suddenly kicked to the ground by a huge force.
Groaning out loud I lifted myself up and turned around to see the one and only female Titan.
This should be easy. She's a 15m one and in a 20m. But... Does she have better reflexes and fighting skills?

All this thought have her time to get a good punch to my face drawing out blood. Roaring, I steadied myself and ran at her with amazing speed. Using my long legs I sent a kick to her legs which she jumped in the air. Using the time to my advantage, I did a quick turn and kicked her stomach with my opposite leg, sending her flying into a tree and sliding down.
I ran at her in attempt to knee her but to my surprise she had fast reflexes and dogged making my knee smash against the hard wood.
Puffing out I turned slowly to see her just giving me a blank stare she turned and ran out into the open.
I was stupid enough to follow her.
I caught up to her and tackled her from behind sending us both flying to the ground. When I was laying on top of her, she grabbed my forearm and flipped me over so she was on top.
She continuously sent deadly punches everywhere reachable from her straddling position
My mind going blank and my body not responding to what I wanted to do I just payed there completely useless until she turned me over that was what brought me back to me senses.
I started struggling. Feeling my body healing itself gave me a little hope.
So, I continued thrashing about but to my worry she didn't budge.
She sat on my arms and pushed my face into the floor with on of her hands. And with the other hand she started clawing at my nape. Making me scream in pain.
I heard the sound of many horses coming our direction fast.
Knowing that would be the soldier I screamed more telling them where we were.
The first person I saw racing up was Reiner, I kept struggling while looking for Levi. I won't give up until I see him!

Finally after more and more soldiers appeared sounding us, I saw the one person I love.. Levi.

But that all ended when my neck was bit wide open making my vision fade

"Y/N!!!!! NOO! STOP IT YOU BASTARD" you heard someone yelling before this very common feeling of numbness and emptiness surrounded me.


After exiting the gate and running with all the soldiers that I could gather in that short amount of time we ran all over the Place trying to get a glance of my Titan girl.
I was about to give up when I heard a distance thunder like sound and the sky turned yellow for a few seconds. Knowing what that was I ordered everyone to go in the direction.

To our disbelief we ran into several Titans that were easy to slay on our way there. Me of course killing them all leaving me to get left behind a bit.

Getting closer to the destination we wanted, I heard a very familiar Titan scream. Oh no.
I made my horse go faster than it had ever gone before.
Pushing it to its limits it ran so fast. Everything around me was a blur.
I reached the group and saw they were surrounding two titans... One being y/n and the other being that annoying ass female Titan.
Snapping out of my thought I saw the top Titan biting off y/n nape. Revealing her unconscious body
I screamed racing forwards it. Shooting my 3DMG onto the female Titan trying to slay it.
I saw her hand fling up and it hit me sending me plummeting to the ground. I groaned and looked up. My eyes widening seeing the Titan put Y/N in her mouth.

....Oh No

AYYR I'm not dead guys.. But Connie is ;~;
This chapter may suck because I'm half asleep but I didn't want to be a let down to the few readers I have. So I updated. Yaay.

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