Joe's POV:
We walked into the doctor's office and Sqaishey immediately sat down.
She looked pretty pale, and she looked as if she was to be sick. I truly felt terrible for her, she must be so disturbed by her nightmares. I sat down next to her, waiting for our names to be called.
Beth's POV:
Upon entering the therapist's office, I spotted a nice leather couch sitting in front of the doctor's desk. In between the desk and the couch was a small coffee table with some wooden sculptures centering it.
The room itself was quite pleasant; there was a nice eucalyptus scent in the air and a lavender candle was lit on the corner of his desk.
He gave me a warm smile and invited us to sit down.
I sat down delicately, perching on the edge of the couch.
"Feel free to relax, Beth and Joseph. I don't bite." The therapist erupted in warm laughter, making us chuckle too. I already held a great impression of this man.
"Well, my name is Dr. Treadway, and I will be taking care of you today. Are you in for couples counseling or is it just one of you?" He inquired, looking at Stampy and me.
"Oh, it's my appointment, but he's with me for moral support. Plus, he's my ride home." I added, gesturing to Stampy. They both laughed.
"Well, Bethany, it seems we are here to unravel some possible post-trauma behaviors, am I correct?"
Nodding at him, he continued. "Alright, we will have a quick introduction to your symptoms, and Joseph, you are free to stay to listen if she wishes or you can leave, whichever makes you most comfortable."
I chimed in. "I don't mind if he stays or anything, he is my significant other and knows the most about it."
Stampy nodded. "Yeah, I may as well stay then, only if you are comfortable, of course." He added.
Joe's POV:
As Sqaishey answered all of the therapist's questions, he came to the conclusion that Sqaishey may have PTSD which seems to be a direct link to her nightmares. Her unraveling her story of being raped may have brought all of her trauma back that she tried swallowing down before.
She was advised to have regular therapy sessions and possibly take antidepressants in the future to ease her anxiety. She seemed to feel much more relaxed when we left the office, so hopefully, this will help her dreams subside for now.
We came inside the apartment and saw Squid and Amy watching a movie. They immediately looked up in our direction as soon as we came in.
"Hey guys, how did everything go?" Amy asked in concern.
I nodded and began telling them how the doctor's visit went.
Beth's POV:
I was sitting with Stampy on the couch, my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. We kissed, and suddenly the room went pitch black.
"Stampy?" I said, scared. I felt for him, but he wasn't there! I panicked, trying to search for him. The power came back on a few minutes later, and the first thing I saw was Stampy on the floor.
I screamed, trying to get him to wake up.
"Sqaishey!" Someone's voice sounded.
"Stampy?!" I said, confused.
"Sqaishey?!" He yelled this time. I jolted out of the dream. I was in midst of screaming. I looked up and saw Stampy with a worried look on his face.
"Are you ok!?" He asked me, hugging me. I shivered and tried to nod. I looked down at myself. I was covered in sweat, and my sheets were on the floor.
I angrily wiped them away before Stampy saw me again. He came back in the room, holding some tea and essential oils.
"Do you need anything? I'll be sure to call the doctor tomorrow to inform him that maybe the medicine is a good idea to start taking." He added, wrapping his arm around me as we sipped on our tea.
"All right," I shrugged, seeing his face look relieved. I figured it was worth a shot, especially since I'm already in therapy.
I went to the bathroom and took a look at myself, groaning as I noticed it was 5 am. I also looked like a mess! I quickly rinsed off in the shower, putting my hair into a towel whilst I got into some new pajamas. I put on my favorite pair of pajamas, which were just these sad little pair of fleece shorts, and a faded lion king tee shirt.
I brushed my hair out, deciding to let it dry naturally. I turned on my tv. I got out my duck blanket Amy had gotten me and cuddled up in it.
A few minutes later, stampy came back into the room with a tray that consisted of some toast and more tea. I nodded my thanks as he set the tray down on my bedside table and crawled into the bed with me.
"So, what's on the local TV this morning?" Stampy asked me in a fancy voice. I giggled and said,
"How aboutttt nickelodeon?"
He nodded.
"Great! I love that station." I smiled at his enthusiasm and turned on Big Time Rush.
I picked up my tray and nibbled on the toast. I was actually more hungry than I thought I was.
I half paid attention to the show, halfway letting my thoughts wander off into space. My attention snapped back to reality when I heard the words, potatoes are AMAZING! Come from the TV.
I looked at Stampy with a strange face before we both laughed. I ate the rest of my food, feeling better.
He gave me a smile and took the tray to the kitchen. I continued to watch TV with Stampy until we both fell asleep again.
Joe's POV:
I woke, seeing Sqaishey asleep right beside me. I smiled and glanced out the window. It was early morning, about 7. The sunlight was pouring through her half open blinds, letting a nice orange through on the carpet.
Very carefully, as to not disturb the sleeping Sqaishey, I got out of bed and crept into the living room. To my surprise, I saw Squid and Amy being as quiet as they could while they sneaked into the kitchen. I walked in there.
"Oh, sorry, did we wake you?" Amy whispered apologetically.
"No I was awake anyway and I heard you guys come in," I responded to them.
"How is Sqaishey? I thought I heard you two up last night." Squid asked me.
"Better, she did have another dream, but we agreed to go ahead and go forward with the prescription." Amy gave me a relieved look.
"Good! I hate seeing her like that!" I nodded in agreement and Squid and Amy went to Squid's room.
"Hey, guys?" They stopped and turned around.
"What is it mate?" Squid asked me.
"You guys sharing a bed now?" I asked awkwardly.
They nodded as their faces turned red.
"Yea.. uh since I will be sharing Squid's room, Sqaishey can have the guest room all to herself."
"Thanks, Amy! That's thoughtful of you! Though, we share my bed most nights anymore." I added to her as they went into Squid's room.
I sneaked back into the room with Sqaishey and shifted back into my position in the bed. I fell back asleep, soothed by the rhythm of Sqaishey's breathing.

The Story of Sqampy
FanfictionI'm re-editing this story!! by re editing, I mean there is going to be way better explained details, and even some added or changed parts. Disclaimer: I am not done re editing it, so if you do decide to re read this now, then please be patient with...