"Mamaaa. Its to tiiight." Kendra whined as I braided her hair. "Well if you want to be pretty when your auntie comes to pick you up. You better sit still." She slouched down a bit. "I don't wanna be pretty! It hurts!" She folded her arms. "How about if you don't want to get your butt whooped you sit your behind still." She unfolded her arms pouting. I heard A thumping noise coming down the step. It suddenly stopped. Temper came around the corner. She came sitting down in front of Kendra. "All your things are packed and ready to go LadyBug." She said with her arms behind her. "Did you get him?" Kendra asked. "Did I get who?" Temper said with her hands still behind her back. "Mr.Whiskers.!" She smiled. "Oh you mean this guy." Temp took the stuffed animal from behind her back. "Yaaaay." Kendra took him hugging him tightly.
I just smiled keeping quiet. I never saw T as the family type. She told me she didn't want kids. But I can see she has changed drastically since then. She's a lot more involved with Kendra. And those two are connected at the hip. And I can say she spoils Kendra. Sometimes a little to much.
"Your done." Flexed my fingers leaning back into the plush couch. "Now you gave your Mama all that mess and you look so nice." T pinched her cheek. "You look just like a beautiful woman I know." She looked over at me. I just upped an eyebrow. The doorbell suddenly rang. "Auntie's here!" Kendra hoped up. I got up brushing past Temper. She smacked my ass as I walking past. I opened the door.
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"Hello love." I gave Maggie a hug. "Oh my god. How have you been?" I asked. "I've been fine. I'm making it." She said laughing. "You let go of that no good nigga is see." I heard Tempers voice. "Hello good sister of mine. I love you too." She look at Temper. "I'm just saying you know. I love you baby sis." She hit her arm. "Yes, me and Andrew have taken a break." She admitted. "I'll break him." Temp mumbled taking Kendra bag to the car. "Auntie Maggie!" Kendra squeezed threw the door. She went hugging Maggie's waist. "Hello beautiful. How have you been?" She picked up Kendra putting her on her waist. "Good." She response respectfully. "You ready for a fantastic weekend?" "Yeah! Can we get ice cream too?!" Kendra asked excited. "Only if its okay with Mommy." Maggie looked at me for an answer. "Only after you eat." I nodded to her. "Well looks like we should get going. And let's go get you a Sunday." She pocked Kendra. "Nothing with-" maggie cut me off. "Nuts or Strawberries. I remember." I frowed at bit looking at Kendra. "Kelly she'll be fine and so are you. Enjoy your weekend." She smiled at Kendra. "Be good lovebug." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Yes ma'am." They both departed going away. I watched as Kendra and Maggie got into the car. The little red KIA disappeared up the road and I could feel my heart sink.
The older Kendra gets the more she wants to explore. I mean and I'm all for freedom. But that's my baby and I don't want to let go. She had her first sleep over a couple weeks ago and I almost lost it. It was barely a day.
I backed back into the house and locked the door. As soon as I turned around Temp picked me up kissing me. I mumbled at her to stop. "What?" She said confused. "Uh uh put me down." I said with an attitude. "You still can't be mad." She batted her eyes. I rolled mine smiling. She always gave me that look. I couldn't resist. Temp took me into the living room. And it just ugh. "Come on baby." She said putting me on my back on the couch. "Be mad at me later. I want some booty." She kissed my neck. "Or I can be mad at you now and you can get some booty later." I pushed her up. She just hovered above me looking down. Of my word. Her beautiful eyes. That chiseled jaw line. She sat up taking her shirt off. She unbuckled her pants and started to kiss my spot slowly licking in a circle.
I bit my lip in pleasure. "O-o-or we can d-do it your way...Yeah Let's do it your way." I gave in. T gently lifted my shirt over my head. "My god. You smell amazing." She takes a breath in of my chest. "Baby calm down." I giggled. "I can't. I love you so much." She kissed my stomach as she unbuttoned my jeans. I could feel my self becoming more and more hot. She sat pulling me into her. With her face buried into my neck she undid my bra. Slipping it off she continued to kiss me. Touch me. Gracefully laying me down she kisses my breast. Temper nibbled and suckled at them. "Uhm mhum." I muffled my moans. Temper ran her hands up and down my sides giving me goosebumps. She grabbed me firmly pulling me to her putting my legs on her shoulders. "Keep those right there." She pinned my arms above my head. I bit my lip in lust. She pulled my panties down slowly making me shake. "She grabbed my hips as her lips met my vagina. I bit my lips arching my back. Temps hands grasped fairly pulling me closer. "Mmm." I tried to keep it down. Her tongue was so warm.
Temper had me going crazy. I've had sex with other people but its not like that with her. The sex is not just about the physical high we get to. Its about a next level connection. And that's what makes sex with her goes from great to fantastic.
"Mmhum fuck." A cruse slipped. "Temper please. I want more." I begged. Her lips parted from me. "Like this." She inserted two fingers inside me. My legs shook hard. She moved them up and down side to side. Each angle hitting my spot every time. "Ugh Im gonna... Shit. I ugh I'm uuuuuuughh." I released on her fingers.
Temper looked me in my eyes licking my juices off of her first fingers. "Let get you upstairs. She grabbed me throwing my body over her shoulder. I laughed a giggled at how silly she was. She took her hair out of hair tie it was in. "What are you doing?" I said still laughing. "Me Tarzan. You Jane." She smacked my bare bottom. "You are so extra." I laughed as she carried me to the steps.
I know this may seem a little weird. But the truth is that's me and T. We have our intimate moments which is great ; however, Our sex life is imaginative. And its fun. Everything its so serious all the time. Our sex is silly. And I like that.
She plopped me down on the bed. She preached me out. She started to sniff me like an animal. "I really hate you." I said with a smile. "Tarzan like girl. She very pretty." She started to kiss my neck. "I like you too." I bit my lip. "I go. I got some for pretty girl she would really like." She climbed off of me going into our closet.
I bit my lip as I watched T go into our closet. I really love T. She is just amazing. Especially in bed. They say sex takes a dive when you get married but I can say our has gone through the roof. We don't have time really though. Because of our jobs, and Kendra. But when we do get alone time. We explode. Up against the wall, in the shower, on the counter. I don't think there is a place that we haven't had sex. Of course not in Kendra's room. But that's about it.
"Tarzan got Jane an Anaconda." Temper had her strap on. "I don't like snakes." I said playfully. "This just isn't any serpent." She said coming closer to me. "Its the longest with the strongest. Big daddy T, here to hit your G S-P-O-T." She climbed on top of me. She started to nibble on my ear. Her kisses started to travel to my neck. "Mmhum. W-w-ait. Baby stop." I said with my palms to her chest. "Put a condom on it." I said straight. "You scared imma get you pregnant. My pull out game on fleek." Temper laughed. I gave her a blank look. "Oh. Your serious?" She asked with an eyebrow up. "Yes. I am. I enjoy being a healthy woman. Bactria breeds even it you wash that thing. Safe sex is great sex." I explained truthfully. "If that's a what you want." She let out a breath going into the bathroom. I set up holding my breast. Temper went under the cabinet pulling out two boxes. "Skyn or Magnum?" She held up the boxes. "You broke the Skyn last time. But I like the way it feels." I tried to decided. "Magnum always rolls up though." She put the Magnums back. She ripped it open. "Oh shit its so greasy." T said rolling it on. "Is there anything else I need to do before I ruin yo life?" I shook my head laughing. "You ready for this dick? I don't think you are." She said walking back over to me. "You ready for this life changing pussy?" I said back sassily. She bit her lip penning me down. "Yes ma'am."
So this is for my Friend. It was her birthday recently. And I really appreciate her. And I hope she had a wonderful birthday. She's an amazing writer and a wonderful person. So yeah.
Feedback on this chapter. This was a chill and silly chapter. Not really a lot to say.