Chapter 14

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It had been three days and both Anjaleen and Elaina had spent as much time together as possible. Elaina was a great, enthusiastic woman and her relationship with Sephirus, whom she'd learned was a cheetah Shifter, was outstandingly beautiful. The both of them got along so well. Anjaleen loved watching Sephirus kiss Elaina on the forehead every time they came across each other. Elaina would giggle but make no attempt to push him away.

Anjaleen wondered if she'd ever have that with Rhydian.

It was time for the night-meal in the King and Queen's dining area. As usual, everybody sat around a long, rectangular, wooden table. Aron and Esmeralda both sat at the head of the table, Anjaleen and Rhydian sat on the long side with Elaina and Sephirus across from them. The meals that occurred at that table were interesting and mostly involved stories of the Old Avaradia and how it evolved, the differences between life under Etheria's rule compared to Avaradia's rule, and many laugh-filled conversations of baby-Rhydian and all the mischief the prince got into as a child.

Today was different, though. The mood was somber and serious. Aron had a frown etched into his features and Esmeralda looked worried. Once they all sat down, King Aron started to speak, "Rhydian," he rasped, looking at his son wearily, "Rumors have been spreading, my boy. About a dragon that turned into a man and stole Anjaleen from the Prince of Etheria."

Rhydian's face paled and he stuttered, "W-what?"

The Queen nodded, "Ethria's Prince is insisting that regular magic-wielding Shifters are not the only kind of Shifters out there. If the knowledge of dragon Shifters were to become known by Etheria, they would send out knights and soldiers to hunt down and kill every last dragon, Shifter, and dragon Shifter alike."

Anjaleen's hand flew to her mouth, "No!"

"Yes," Rhydian choked, pushing his fists into his lap, "he saw me change, he saw me Shift, father."

Aron's eyes narrowed, "What?"

Rhydian nodded forcefully, "I went to help Anjaleen after she passed out. I thought Derek was unconscious, Hell, I thought he was dead!" He coughed then continued, "I Shifted from human to dragon after I had stopped Anjaleen's bleeding. I just picked her up in my paws and flew all the way here. I thought I killed that no good, son-of-a-"

"Rhydian!" Esmeralda snapped.

"Sorry, but he tried to force himself onto Anjaleen!" Rhydian growled, slamming one fist into the table, "I had to stop him!"

The dining room fell silent and everyone looked at Rhydian and Anjaleen with new eyes. They knew the Prince and Anjaleen's relationship was special, but not so special that Rhydian would expose himself and the entire dragon Shifter species to save it, even if they were both oblivious to the other's feelings.

The Queen smiled softly, sadly, "Alright, Rhydian, we-"

The dining room doors flew opened and slammed against the wall with a SHMACK! "Sire! Sire," Lithius barged into the room and straight to Aron's side. He was in human form and his arms waved wildly in the air, "The Mountain village is preparing for the Winiture family's execution!"

Anjaleen's eyes widened, "Oh, gods!" She cried, "My mother and sister!" And knowing Ethria's King and Prince, Nathaniel would also be executed if she didn't do anything. She pushed herself away from the table, her chair falling to the floor. She turned to the King and put her hands together, "Please, my lord," she begged, "help me save my family!"

Aron gazed at Anjaleen sympathetically. "Come on, father!" Rhydian cried, "Help us!"

Anjaleen flashed a small smile in Rhydian's direction. The King closed his eyes, deep in thought, before his face set with determination and he smirked, "This is my daughter-in-law after all," he drawled, "what type of father-in-law would I be if I let my son's mate's family die because I wasn't there to stop it."

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