Chapter 68

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"Home sweet home," I murmured as I entered my house along with my parents. Dad threw his coat on top of the couch and flopped onto the plush cushions, letting out an exhausted sigh. Mom, playfully, rolled her eyes at his dramatic entrance and sat on the chair across from him.

I immediately made a b-line to the kitchen, raiding the fridge for leftovers or anything that looked edible. Frozen pizza? Don't mind if I do. I ripped of the plastic wrapper and threw it into the microwave, not paying attention to the instructions.

The sound of a doorbell caught my attention. Cookie's ears perked up, he must of heard it too, which means I'm not crazy. Yet.

"Gretchen can you get the door?" my mom's tone practically ordered me. I huffed and dragged my way over to the door.

I swung the door open, Cookie peeking around my leg. "Who is it?" I asked.

A skinny, brunette girl stood in front of me. Lili. Sky's best friend. She carried a blue and purple uniform in her hands. I recognized the symbol of Skyleigh's school stitched onto it.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"I-I have Skyleigh's uniform for the competition. If... you know" she averted her eyes. "I'm sorry about Skyleigh. She really is my best friend and--" she trailed off.

I reached over and pulled her in for a hug, "It's okay. She'll be fine, I know it."

We pulled away and she wiped away her tears. I took the uniform from her hands and sprinted upstairs, to Skyleigh's room. I sat down her uniform on top of her bed and walked out, not stopping long enough to look at anything in her room.

When I got back downstairs I remembered the pizza I had put in the microwave. I took it out and dropped it immediately "FUCK!" the pizza landed on the floor with a splat. Red sauce was scattered everywhere, my hand was red from the slight burn I received. "Whatever" I mumbled to myself as Cookie waddled into the kitchen "Cookie! Eat the pizza!" he sniffed his way over and licked the cheese off the floor. "Good boy!" I praised him and rushed out the door, walking outside towards with Lili. "I should go now.... My parents are prob waiting for me," I heard her raspy voice said.

"Okay," I gave her a smile, "See ya."


"Sky, we have got to go to the hospital. Stat." said Melissa, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. "What for?" I cocked my head to a side.

"It's Gretchen. And Jeff."

"What about them?"

"Just come with me," without letting my arm go, she walked towards the forest. I, still confused, decided to follow her anyway. Everything started to fade into white, then, it all finished fading into what it seemed like the hospital hall. When I looked back, I realized I was in front of the room I'm supposed to be in. "What are we--"

"Shh. Look," she demanded, pointing with her finger at two figures walking down to the room we were in front of. But, that's Gretchen and.... Jeff?

"Okay, we don't have much time. You have to be out in less than three minutes. Got that, fuck face?" whispered Gretchen. Jeff took his hoodie cap out of his head and gave Gretchen a nod of acceptance. "Good. I'll be outside. Just in case you don't see me, I'll probably be distracting a nurse or somethin'," Gretchen mumbled. "Fine," Jeff said, opening the door of the room slowly and quietly before getting in and closing it again. I got in the room as well, seeing how Jeff sat down in a chair next to the bed. "I got you this, Bella," he said, taking out a red rose and placing it on the drawer that was next to the bed as well. I smiled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You better wake up soon. Because, I have so many plans to do with you," he chuckled.

"Oh, God. What is he planning now?" I said, smiling and shaking my head.

"I know you're gonna wake up. I just know it. Damn, I can feel it already. When you wake up, make sure that you see the red rose I placed in there, and think, 'Damn, that's such a beautiful rose in there!'. Wanna know why? That's how I felt the first time I saw you," he mumbled.

My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks burning red hot. "So damn romantic for a guy like you," I laughed. I heard someone bursting into the room. When I looked up, there she was, Gretchen. "Hey, fuck face, we gotta leave now." she stated. Jeff sighed before standing up and looking at me. "Remember, red rose, Bella," he chuckled and walked off with Gretchen.

"Hey, Melissa?" I called, waiting to see if she was around here. After a couple seconds, the door opened, revealing Melissa. "You called me?"

I gave her a nod. "I have a question,"

"What is it?"

"You know.... the, um, the whole Proxy-Zalgo thing, right?" I asked her. She looked down and nodded slightly. "Well.... um, if we can go anywhere while I'm here.... can we... uh, go see... You-Know-Who?"

Melissa raised her head up, looking at me with her eyes widened. "He Who Waits Behind The Wall?" she gasped. "Melissa, I have no idea what you just said--"

"Z-Zalgo...," she mumbled.

"Yeah.... Him. I was just wondering how he looked like and all--"

"You can't. We can't. We mustn't." she stated.

"But-- Why?" I questioned.

She looked around, then, looked at me. "He doesn't want me and you to go to that awful place." she whispered. "Who are you talking about?"

"Lord," she whispered into my ear.

"Lord? As in, Lord-Lord? Lord-Time? Lord-God? Lord-What?" 

"Lord-God," she responded.

"Ooookay, Melissa. What did you hit your head onto?"

She let out a sigh. "I knew you wouldn't understand."

"Melissa, I'm sorry. But, I don't. 'Being honest with you," I remarked. "It's like how it started for me. All puzzled. Of course, I never understood. 'Why me? From all the people in this world, why me?'. Yep. I do know that feeling. I got used to it but I don't know about you."

"What are you--"

"The Proxy thing. That's what I'm talking about," I said with more confident.

"Sky, I want you to remember something," she said, "The beginning is always the hardest."

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