Chapter Three

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"Will Miss Newberry please come to the front office please? Miss Newberry to the front office." Fiona lifted her head tentatively and nodded at the teacher. He motioned to the door and Fiona took that as a signal to leave. She rose gracelessly, her foot catching on the strap her worn black leather bag and causing her to stumble. Her new classmates chuckled a little, their gazes boring into her skull. Fiona glared at them, her hateful gaze searing into them and they stopped laughing. "Miss Newberry?" the teacher inquired, practically begging her to exit in a more timely fashion. She nodded, took one more angry look around, and left.

Fiona Newberry sauntered down the bleak off white hallways, appearing at ease when in actuality she was terrified. She passed open doorways with her head high, but inside she cowered. What did they want? Had they found out about her secret? She hoped not.. This measly visit could be her utter demise, leading her to starting over. Again. New school, new look, new opportunity to have to change again. As she neared the front office, Fiona took one last look behind her. After all, in her experience, that could be all you got before it was taken away from you..

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