The Tears

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There are so many days when I just want to flop on my bed and cry. There are so many times when I want to just crawl under my covers and stay there forever. And cry. About the things I should have said, the things I shouldn't have said. About the risks I should have taken, but it's too late. About the things I should have enjoyed, but was too busy looking forward. I have so many regrets, and so I cry.

I cry because I feel like I have no one. I can't tell anyone my secrets, because they won't understand. I want to tell the world that I have a mind of my own and vibrant creations to share, but all they see is what's right in front of them instead of looking underneath. Through the sobs of anger, I wonder if I will ever meet anyone who truly sees deep down inside me.

I have so many people that love me, but why do I feel so alone?

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