Lakiteu's disappearance

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It was late at night, not the most ideal time to be playing baseball. But the two teams didn't seem tired, scared, or to care. The game had been underway for a few minutes now, and nothing, not even the ghost hazards, could break the excitement all of them felt. Well, except for Luigi, but he didn't have to worry since he wasn't in the outfield.

The score for the baseball game was two to three, Bowser Jr. Rookies topping the Luigi Knights by one point. They were playing on the Baseball Kingdom, at Luigi's Mansion.

The coin toss had the Luigi Knights pitching first, so every new inning started with them positioned on the field. They had been playing three innings so far.

Bowser Jr. was just ready to start the second inning, and man, was he pysched. That was all he talked about.

They were going for nine innings- an all-nighter. Everyone had thier star powers on, increasing thier stats, and had some kind of item to give themselves a boost, it be chemistry or batting power, or extra star power for thier specials, or whatever. Error items were also in, but there was no mercy.

But tonight, something was wrong. Tonight, a horrifying nightmare for everyone except four brothers happened. Someone was missing, and Ice Bro 'Ice', the oldest brother of the four, knew it. He couldn't place his finger on who it was, until he realized there was no empire behind the current catcher, the Luigi Knights catcher Blue Noki.

After that, it took him point five seconds to know who it was. So he spoke up from where he was spectating, as he wasn't really into baseball.

"Hey, you guys can't start the inning without Lakiteu." The Ice Bro said. "Where'd he go? He was with us until now."

"What?" Hammer Bro, also known as Hammer, looked around.

"Has anyone seen Lakiteu?" Ice repeated.

"No, but maybe he went to the bathroom." Mario thought.

"He would have told us, though." Luigi pointed out.

"That's true, so that's a bit weird. Anyone see where he went? Did he tell anyone where he was going?" asked Hammer.

"No" everyone replied.

"That's worrying." Fire Bro, also known as Fire, stated.

"Well no duh, Captain Obvious!" Hammer glared at his older brother in annoyance. The two were spaced apart about two years, but, despite Fire being older, the Fire Bro managed to get on Hammer's every nerve, and he did it so much, that even him making obvious comments that shouldn't set people off set off Hammer.

"Hey guys, no time for fighting. If we don't start looking soon, we may be too late to catch him if he ends up leaving for some sleep, or worse, the Kingdom." Ice said.

"I agree with Ice. We need to find him before it's too late." Hammer agreed.

"Let's hurry." Boomer said with worry.

With that, the four Koopa Brothers split up and scouted the whole Baseball Kingdom.


A few miles of the coast of Yoshi Park, a Lakiteu, a smaller-then-average Lakitu, was screaming. "Help!"

"Shut it, Lakatuts. I need you." said King Koopa.

"Never!" Lakiteu shouted. "And it's Lakiteu! Why can no one ever get my name right?!"

Everyone around him fell silent for a moment.

"Uh, that's not important-" the evil Lakitu started, but was interuppted but the irritated Lakiteu.

"It's pronounced lack-it-E-U! Lakiteu!" Lakiteu was clearly angry.

"Uh, whatever. My Lakitu will frame you and you will never see your pathetic friends again." said King Koopa nastily.

"No!" Lakiteu snarled. "They won't let that happen! They will find me. And when they do, you'll pay!"

"And how do you say that?" King Koopa asked.

"They know me well. Since, to them, I disappeared without telling them, they know something's wrong, because they know I would never do that." Lakiteu stated matter-of-factly. "Heck, they're probably searching for me right now!"

"Boss, if what this brat says is true, we could have a problem." The lakitu said. King Koopa nodded grimly in agreement.

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