I woke up that next morning, my eyes wanting to just close again, my brain yelling it needed more sleep. The nightmares have come back, I'd wake up screaming in the night crying, in a cold sweat. Niall took half an hour calming me down last night, and eventually he managed to lure me into a well deserved sleep, his arms wrapped round me safley.
I heard niall groan and shift next to me as I sat up, tying my hair into a messy bun, trying to make myself loof half decent
'5more minutes,' he grumbled
'Niall, I haven't even told you to get up...'
'You will be in a minute,'
'Okay, get up.' I smiled, pulling the covers off the bed
'Give em bacccck!' He yelled trying to grab for them his eyes still firmly shut. I giggled, slightly at my accomplishment
'You're an idiot you know that right?' I smiled
'Thanks baby, love you too...' He grumbled sitting up, trying to fix his hair.
I wandered nto the lounge to see all the boys making themselves at home with bowls of cereal, watching some football
'Morning!' I called walking into the kitchen trying to find some coffee to wake me up.
'Goodmorning!' Harry smiled throwing a lucky charm at me
'Uh, thanks for that Haz?' I said flicking it back at him
'when did you guys get in here?'
'Like half an hour ago.' Zayn shrugged
'Uh...' I said oddly
'they all chuckled, as I shook my head as i poured the hot water into the muf adding the coffee granules
'Make me a cup?' I heard Niall whisper in my ear
'Okays, here have mine I can wait,' I smiled, handing him the steaming mug
'Thanks.' he chuckled, giving me a quick kiss. I smiled happily, I always felt butterflies when Niall would kiss me, never understood why, I knda, just did.
I managed to get myself dressed, battling the sleep trying to take over me, To hide the bags under my eyes, I applied a thin layer of makeup, trying not to make it too noticable.
Niall hated me wearing make-up, even mascara, but to be honest, I don't know too many girls who look great in the morning and then going out exactly like that their faces bare. I applied one quick swipe of mascara to both eyes, and applied concealer under my eyes, I looked a it better, still not great, I pondered for a moment, debating whether to put some more on, my hand hovered over my foundation.
Isighed leaving it, and walking out the bathroom
'Your wearing makeup.' Niall said flatly
'I know,' I shrugged
'Niall, I cant walk out the door looking how i did this morning, being a girl is different to being a guy...'
'Right...' He chuckled as I grabbed my phone ready to go out with Eleanor for the day.
We wandered through the streets of sydney, ice creams in hand, sunglassess on
'THIS is how you spend time in Australia!' Eleanor gished, as we walked along the raod next to the beach
'We should sit on the beach for half an hour,' I said dragging her onto the warm, golden sand, crowded with people. We found a quieter spot further up the strip of beach, and sat down, sighing in relaxation
'You're soo lucky to have lived out here!' She pouted
'Uh- huh...' I said uneasily
'You okay?' She asked, instantling hitting on my change of mood.
'You promise you dont tell anyone, not louis, not niall, not ANYONE.' I said firmly
'I promise,' She said as we shook on it.
'Well... in January, I might be coming back out to live with my dad for a while...'
'Whaaaaaaaaaaat' She said sadly
'I know, I know, but It'll be till like june, so only 6months, I mean you'll be fine yeah?' I asked
'You should go, omygosh we should so visit you!'
'Yeah! of course!! It's not like camp america all over again, you can visit however long you want to.'
I sat snuggled next to Niall on the sofa, as we had a movie night with everyone else, we ended up settling to one of the Harry Potter movies but agreeing on which one deemed very difficult.
We were about halfway through the movie, when I started to feel really drowsy, i felt myself starting to fall asleep on nialls shoulder.
I was literally asleep when my phone started ringing loudly.
Perhaps rather too loudly. I groaned, sishing it out my pocket, sliding the answer button
'Hello?' I said grumpily.
'Hello, is this the daughter of Mrs Paige Jensen?' A lady asked me
'Uhm, yes, it is, who's speaking?' Niall looked at me, I shrugged, walking into the kitchen to not disturb everyone
'Yes, this is the cancer hospital of sydney bay (I MADE UP THE HOSPITAL OKAY GUYS SHH) and we would like you to come down immediatley, your mothers condition is not stabilized, and we don't now how much longer she has left, we're so sorry...' She said sadly
I swallowed the lump in my throat so I could answer her
'O-okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.' I said quickly, hanging up, as the tears started to fall. I ran into the lounge grabbing some shoes
'Where are you going?' Perria asked
'I gotta go to the hospital, mums dying.' I choked, a look of shock spread throughout everyones face, and then they all jumped up
'WE'RE COMING.' Louis shouted I nodded, unable to speak, I just didnt want to break down in front of, them. AGAIN.
we arrived at the hospital quickly, and I ditched everyone, running down the corridors to my mum.
'Ward 32... ward 33...' I counted until I came to ward 34. I ran down right to the end where her room was, I didn;t bother knocking, I just rammed open the door, crying already.
'M-um?' I choked, looking how pale and sick she was. Yesterday she was fine, she looked as healthy as anything
'He sweetie,' she wheezed, struggling to get the words out, her breaths short, and forced.
I took her limp hand, in my shaking one, and squeezed it
'You're gonna be okay, right?' I sobbed
'It's okay, as long as you don't leave me, you're not going to leave me right?' I said uneasily
'Hailee, don't you think my time has come, I know you want me to fight, but I don't have the energy no more... I've fought all I could, but I think it was too late.' She patted my hand, as she satrted coughing terribly, droplets of blood escaping her mouth. I sat there in shock as she finsihed coughing, I felt helpless, I didn;t know what to do.
'I'm so tired baby.' My mum sighed closing her eyes
'Mum don't, please you can stay awake right, like when, when we used to have m-movie nights?' I sobbed
she just nodded in response, her eys still shut. The tears were streaming down my face and the strangled sobs escaped my mouth
'Come on mum, p-please, you can't leave me, you cant leave us mum please' I begged
'I'm not going anywhere Hai... Im staying right here...' she said placing her weak hand on my chest were my heart is 'I'll always be watching you sweetie, just act like I never left, because I haven't, i'll be by your side, every step of the way...' She took a shaky breath and put her head down again, her breaths becoming more on more spread apart
'D-dont go, mum please, I love you.' I sobbed, lying my head on her cest sokaing the blanket the lay over her body. I felt the weak, slow rise and fall of her chest, as I carried on crying.
pull yourself together, I thought. I sat up and held her hand stroking it and giving it a light squeeze, and then I watched as she took one last breath, and she became, still, silent, unmoving.
I sat there stll hoding her hand
'You're still here mum, right?' I asked even though I knew the answer.
'Mum!' I sobbed trying to shake her, my lips were trembling, i felt sick, the sobs that escaped were uncontrollable, as I laid my head down on her shest again, hoping to find that warmth she always had, except she was cold, stone cold.
That was it.
She was gone.
HIIIII I didnt really know how to write that one?
Idk ahaha but i updated a bit earlier than I thought I would as I have done all of my homework so far...
I will update maybe at the weekend?
Youll probably hear about my amazing venture to catching fire and watching 1D day 7hour livestream
(12 reads for next chapter and 2 votes) I probs wont stick to this idk
Hanzaaaaa xxx