Driving lessons 101 Mike

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Michael teaching you to drive standard: (stick shift/manual)

- "babe I really don't know why you want me to do this, I'm the worst driver in the band"

- "Michael you're fine, now buckle up. I'm ready to learn"

- Him talking like a driver instructor, holding an invisible clipboard.

- "Mirrors, check. Seat belt? Check, Ready to die? Check."   "Michael!"

- "Okay okay, Left foot on the clutch, right foot on the break"

- "Wait shit forgot to tell you, When you start releasing the clutch, you'll feel it resisting on your leg. So just make sure you feel that point. But you have to put it in first gear before pressing on the gas! Then, you slowly put your foot on the gas the rest of the way you release the clutch"

- You groaning, too many instructions and regretting this decision.

- "Do we really have to do this?"

- "y/n you dragged me outside, were doing this."

- The car slowly starting to roll forward, but stalling.

- Michael trying not to laugh at you, but giggling anyway as he looks at your face.

- "Shit, okay. Let me try that again!"  
"Y/N take your time, you keep stalling and you'll fuck the clutch."

- "Gee thanks, no pressure right babe?"

- Him giving you a quick kiss before instructing you again.

- Getting the car to move without stalling, just coasting along the empty road while.

- "Clutch, second gear and gas. Go!"

- Michael clapping proudly as you make the gear shift smooth.

- "Okay, now what?"

- "Uhhh shit okay, I guess you should try each gear?"

- Trying each gear, stalling the car a few more times and having Michael occasionally yell in a playful manner when you mess up.

- Him taking snapchat videos of you, rewarding you with some candy he brought along whenever you shift gears nicely.

- Lots of high fives and fist bumps.

- Agreeing that if you make it home alive, he'll buy dinner

- driving with his hand on your thigh just to be an asshole

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