Chapter 1 - Carrie

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Song of the chapter: we are never ever getting back together by Taylor Swift

Chapter 1

"It's all so clear to me, Austin. You've been discovered on YouTube, you're becoming famous, you're even going on tour with Taylor Swift! And now you choose to tell me you love me?" I yelled at him. "We have literally been dating for an entire year, and you have done nothing to show me you really do love me. I'm sorry, I just don't think you're a boy I want to spend half my time on." I said, turning around, tears streaming down my face.

"Carrie, I promise, I love you! It's just hard having an all time job at my age. I want you to stay! I'm sorry, just give me one more -" "I gave you a year. Now shut up and get out of my life, jerk!" I yelled, cutting Austin off. The last thing I saw was Austin's pre-breakdown, before slamming the door. I was done. We were done.


I sat up in bed, crying, remembering the night that changed my life. I had everything half the world wanted, and it sucked. I mean seriously, who dates a girl for a whole year, doesn't even spend half his time with her, and then before he goes on tour tells you he loves you? No, just no. That's not how it's supposed to work.

After blasting music and dancing around like total idiot, I started to get ready for the day. My annoying ring tone went off, causing me to stop singing into my hairbrush. Stupid phone.

"Hey Taylor, we really need to talk." I said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Still thinking about Austin, are we?" She teased, reading my thoughts.

I sighed nodding, but then realized she couldn't see me. "Yeah, I just can't seem to get him out of my head. And to make matters worse, I just had a dream about our breakup, last night." I confessed.

"Ouch," She said catching on. "Listen, I know the last six months have been nothing but hard for you, but this is your decision and no matter how much it hurts you need to move on."

"I know, Tay believe me. I've literally spent 30 minutes just smacking my head on the wall. God, why is it so hard to get celebrity out of your head!? Ugh that sounded stupider out loud." I said starting ramble.

She laughed. She laughed. "Man, even through a break up you still have your sense of humor." Taylor said giggling. "Okay, I'm sorry. We need to get you out of the house. Oh! I know what we can do! Let's go over to Six Flags for the day, you know to let loose and dump Star Trek out of your head."

"Sounds great! And in my defense, that is a great show. No mocking, bye!!" I quickly hung up before she could reply. Ah, what a good friend I am, eh?

Taylor got here extremely quick, so when I was finally satisfied with my look, we headed out to Six Flags.



Me and Taylor screamed the lyrics out at the top of our lungs. If you think I haven't teased Taylor about being Taylor Swift before, boy you're way off! I do it so much it's not even funny any more, well to her.

"Ah, it feels so nice to just be out here, on the road, with you. Are we there yet?" I wined.

"For the hundredth time, no. No we are - oh here we are." She said rambling on. "Yay!" I yelled clapping my hands excitedly. Time to to par-tay. I hadn't been to six flags in a while, so I was excited.

The moment we stepped into the park, I felt free. Even though I'd been here a trillion times, it felt better then it normally does.

We rode rides, ate food, and even tried out the human sling shot! Which I practically died on.

On the way home, Taylor got a phone call.

"Hello? Oh, hi mom." I heard her say. Now Taylor is a naturally happy person, so it made me concerned when her expression changed from glee to terror. Did I have a clue what the crap was going on? Nope. Did I want to know? Yes!

As soon as Taylor hung up the phone, I asked her what was wrong.

"Carrie... my dad just lost his job. From the looks of our budget, we won't be able to stay in the country for long."

What!? My best friend is moving out of the country!? Does life hate me or something?

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered. "How much time do you have?"

"Well, the bank wants us cleared out of our house by the end of the week. I don't think I'll have much time to say good-bye." She explained.

"B-but saying good-bye means leaving..and leaving means forgetting." I said, tears streaming down my face.

"I'll never forget you Carrie. I promise."


The bell rang, waking me up from my nap during Math class. I am such a good student! Not.

"Oh my god! Carrie, Carrie, Carrie!" My newest friend, Sydney, yelled to me - practically knocking me over in the process.

"What?" I said stopping her from jumping up and down in the hallway. I mean, a girl's got to have some dignity! Am I right?

"Alright, so about three weeks ago I entered a contest to win two backstage passes to an Austin Mahone concert," Sydney started. My eyes popped open in shock. I knew what was coming, but I tried to tell myself that it wouldn't happen.

"And can you guess what happened!? It turns out that there obviously isn't a bigger fan of Austin here then me! I answered every question right! I won!" She screamed.

"Oh, um, that's great Sydney! Listen, there's something you need to kno-" "And I'm bringing you! It's going to be so much fun! I'm so excited!" She cut me off, without a care in the world. "Oh gosh, what am I going to wear? It has to be something good, cute, and a tad revealing."

I rolled my eyes. Why me?


Days past and every second made me more nervous. Sydney still wouldn't let me tell her that Austin was my ex-boyfriend. I even texted her about it, and it got lost in all her spam! I swear, I love Sydney, but she can be a bit overly excited sometime - a.k.a. All the time.

The concert was coming up, and I really didn't want to go. I mean, sure it's nice to see how far Austin's career has come, but he was still my ex. So I really didn't care for his music anymore. Also, it's just dandy that I get to see him backstage, isn't it? Not.

I was seriously so mad I threw my Nutella jar unto the bed. Holy crap I did not just do that.

"Baby! I'm sorry, are you okay?" I asked rubbing my gorgeous Nutella container with concern.

Yeah, I'm weird get over it. Have you checked half of the tumblr population?

To get to the point, I might seem calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out! I didn't know what he liked anymore! Did he like brunettes? Did he like jean shorts on brunettes? And most importantly, why do I even care?

Ugh this is going to be a long week.


Hey... Look guys if anyone is still even bothering to look at this book, I feel like the worst author/friend to you guys right now. I didn't forget about this story, but I did have writer's block for like decades. Also, I'm mad because my mom isn't allowing me to read or watch the fault in our stars. If any of you have watched it, tell me how it is!!

That's pretty much it, I literally hope I can update this story soon, because I feel so bad about leaving it :/ forgive me!

Kat, xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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