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Akane's P.O.V

*Kurenai's Note*

Hey Akane,

        It's been too long but we only have two and a half years till you're back! We haven't talked in a long time so I was getting worried that you'd forget or weren't there anymore, I just hope that your messenger crow would tell me if you weren't with us anymore. Anyways, if you're reading this then you probably don't want me going on about how we have thoughts that you're dead, heh, so I thought I'd give you an update on everyone! I'm the leader of a genin team now, we're team 8, I've got a Hyuga girl, a Inuzuka boy, and an Aburame boy. Asuma has a genin team too, team 10, he's got a Nara boy, a Yamanaka girl, and an Akimichi boy. Izumo and Kotetsu are the village guards, and Genma's an elite guard to the Hokage. Gai has a genin team of his own as well, he's had his a few years longer than us, he's got a Hyuga boy, a Lee boy, and a girl named Tenten, we're not quite sure what her last name is. Then we have Kakashi, I don't know if he's told you but he was in the ANBU for awhile but he gave up his mask a few years later. It took him awhile to find a genin team he liked but he finally found one, he's got a Uchiha boy, a Haruno girl, and an Uzumaki boy.

I stop my reading there and tears fill my eyes 'Uzumaki boy' I read over again and think back to Kakashi's note he sent me when I was at the village hidden in the Mist 'in his son' I remember "Mom and dad had a baby boy, this has to be him" I say out loud to myself then go back to reading the letter.

As for Rin, she's a great medical ninja now and she works at the hospital. Minato-sensei is the fourth Hokage as well while Kushina-sensei is mainly staying home to take care of their son, he's the Uzumaki boy on Kakashi's team.

Kurenai writes "It is their son" I whisper to myself then laugh a little 'Guess Kakashi didn't tell them he told me' I think to myself and finish reading the letter.

That's all that's really happened since you've been gone and everyone's doing well, we're wishing you come home soon as well as safe and sound!

                                                                                                        With love,

                                                                                                                  -Kurenai Yuhi

I decide to write back my own letter of course, since she kept writing that they were worried I'd go and die on them.

Dear Kurenai,

          I'm alive, not need to fret and I haven't forgotten you guys, like I ever could. I doing well as well and I'm very ecstatic to be coming home soon. You don't need to worry about covering up Rin's death, as well as mom's and dad's Minato's and Kushina's death too. Kakashi told me when you sent me that birthday package a year after I left, please don't be mad at him, he only means well. Besides, I'd rather have been told the news of theirs deaths while I was gone rather than with you guys, it would only have made it harder. It's great to hear that everyone is doing something! Make sure to tell Genma to take some more pictures of the village and you guys then send them to me and please tell everyone I said hi!

                                                                                       With love as well,
                                                                                                          -Akane Mitizu

I summon Kamimasu and tie up my scroll "Take this to Kurenai in the Hidden Leaf Village, you remember what she looks like, right?" I tell him and he nods "Thanks Kamimasu" I tell him before patting his head and placing the scroll in his mouth, I open the front door and watch as he runs off into the dark, rainy night. I look at the time and its late so I decide to go to bed. The next morning I do my normal routine and head out for more criminals. 


I stretched as I stood up from storing the last body in my scroll "Ah, just one more criminal to kill off and only a month left of staying here" I say to myself then drop my hands "Maybe if I kill the last dude early, I can go home early?" I think out loud to myself again and make my way to where I met God's Angel everyday to drop off the scrolls. After I drop off the scroll, I head to the store to by more food. When I'm done at the store I go home and put everything away then take a shower, I do chores around the house then when it's late I make dinner. The next day, I again do my normal morning routine before heading out to find my last guy. My leads send me to the forest, near where I was poisoned. I hear and chilling scream near by so I decide to head towards it "You can do anything you want to me, just please let my son go!" I hear a similar voice as I get closer, the body the voice is coming from finally comes into view and I see it's Tsukiko.

I look right more and see my last criminal along with Tsukiko's son who I never got the name of 'It's time for me to give my thanks' I think to myself before taking off my mask and hiding it under my cloak, I put my hood down then take out a kunai 'It's a hostage situation so I have to me careful' I think to myself the throw my kunai. It sticks into the back of his hand that he was using to hold onto Tsukiko's son, the pain from it and the poison sinking into his blood system make his let the boy go. I jump out and grab onto Tsukiko's son then bring him to her "Okami!" Tsukiko exclaims and I just give her a sly smile, she gasps when she see my face and mutters "The mark of 100 healings" I nod and turn my back to them "I was so mad when I got poisoned because I was almost done storing up my chakra, when I got home I was able to calm done and finish it" I explain to her "You son of a bitch!" The man yells and I get into a fighting stance "Tsukiko, get you and your son out of here" I tell her before standing straight again and spinning another kunai around my finger "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a girl" I mock and he clicks his tongue at me "Oh, no one clicks their tongues at me" I say getting mad and charging at him.


Loves. As always,



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