Two Families, The Ohen and The Voda, on the verge of what would be a long and harrowing war, train their best in preparation. No one knows who created The Plan first, but both kingdoms wanted to execute it as quickly as possible so the other wouldn't have the chance to. The Plan: Have most elite go forth and capture the other's source of life and magic, the seed, created every 300 years to form a large Soul Tree that supplies everyone in their realm with life and magic for the next three hundred years. If a kingdom's seed is stolen and isn't able to grow and flourish, everyone in that kingdom loses their connection to the heart of all life on earth, The Great Mother. She provides life, resources, magic. If you weren't linked to her, you would surly die. And to prevent that from happening the King and Queen of the defeated kingdom would have to swear loyalty to the other and rekindle the connection through their Soul Tree. Though the connection would be strong, their souls would be forever weakened and unable to have the chance to be a great power once more.

To Love or To Kill
RomanceA prince and princess, born of rival royal families, go on a mission to try to destroy the other. The Mission- capture the other's source of life, their magic, and connection to The Great Mother...a seed. Each have different ways of getting what the...