"Why don't you ever show me your face?" Phil asked as he ate his crumpets.
It had been a week since he was stuck here. It could have been longer too but Phil had no way of knowing.
"Because I am not allowed to" Dan answered.
"Why?" Phil asked.
"I'll get caught" he answered.
"If you let me go I swear..."
"Phil we've been through this before" Dan cut him off. "I can't just let you go"
"Do you have any idea how hard it is for me?" Phil said. "To be kept here in the dark all day. I want to see the light again."
"I know that" Dan said.
"Then why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I have orders that I need to follow" Dan said. "Now finish your breakfast Phil"
"I am not hungry" Phil said pushing the plate away.
"Leave me alone"
"All right" Dan said as he took the plate and left slamming the door loudly making the door jump. Once he was gone Phil began sobbing. He had no idea what to do. Was he supposed to trust Dan? Did Dan actually care about him like he claimed to or all of this was just an act to gain Phil's trust. Was he even operating on orders or all of that was just a lie? Phil didn't know and he was worried for his life and also why was Dan's 'boss' not calling his parents. His head was hurting so he lied down on the pillow and drifted off to sleep.
He was woken again by someone shaking his body.
"Phil wake up"
So he did sitting up on the mattress.
"What is it?"
"Dinner" Dan answered.
"You didn't wake me up all day?" Phil asked.
"No I figured you would be better off left alone"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome" Dan said. "Burrito?"
Phil took it taking a bite and it actually tasted good compared to all the stale shit he had eaten in the past couple of days.
They ate in silence until Dan spoke up.
"Do you trust me, Phil?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Well that's a ridiculous question considering you have tied me up here. So no I don't trust you"
"Even after I said that I mean no harm"
"Yes and I will not trust you because you are the one who is keeping me here" Phil said raising his voice.
"I told you it's not me."
"Well that doesn't matter because you are still the one who is doing all this" Phil said.
There was a long pause.
"What if I show my face to you?" Dan asked. "Would you trust me then?"
"You weren't so keen about that a few hours ago"
"I thought about it" Dan said.
"Why do you care about gaining my trust anyway?" Phil asked rudely.
"Be..because I don't want you to think I am a bad person and I do care about you even though you don't believe me"
"Gaining my trust would have been a lot more easier if I wasn't tied up here. So you know look into things from my perspective"
"I know that but I would let you go if I could. But I am as tied down as you are here" Dan answered. "I know the consequences and I wish to protect you"
And even though Phil had a hunch that this was a bad idea and he had no reason to trust Dan. He decided to go along with it.
"I will try" Phil said.
"Thank you. Once you see me you can tell anyone and they will find me "
"I know that"
Dan stood up and walked flicking on the light. Phil was initially blinded by the light and closed his eyes but he opened it slowly and there was Dan standing in front of him in all black. His brown hair styled into a fringe quite like Phil's and warm chocolate brown eyes. And even though Phil didn't want to admit, Dan was cute.
"There you go" Dan said.
"Why did you have to turn off the light?" Phil asked. "You could have just worn a balaclava"
"Ah well I like a little bit of drama" Dan said and Phil chuckled.
Dan then sat down next to Phil and they finished their burritos.
"Hey Dan"
"Would you leave the light on now?"
"Now that you have seen me I don't think there is any point to leave you in the dark"
"Thank you" Phil smiled.
"Goodnight Phil" Dan said and he left locking the door.
Phil had definitely softened a lot for Dan. He had to admit that Dan was helping him as much as he could.
That night Phil slept with the light on.
The next morning Dan was once again in Phil's room.
"Slept well?"
"Yeah" Phil said yawning.
He gave Phil a Mcmuffin and coffee.
"Have they called my parents yet?" Phil asked.
Phil looked up surprised.
"What did they say?"
"They are making some arrangements. He won't tell us all of it" Dan answered.
"How long would I be here?"
"I have no idea"
Phil suddenly lost his appetite and dropped his food on the ground.
"Phil finish it"
"I don't want to" Phil snapped. "I am not hungry"
"I am not believing that. You need to eat"
"I don't want to and you can't make me" Phil yelled.
"Yes I can"
"Then do it" Phil challenged raising his voice even more.
"Do you want me to fucking tape your mouth again?" Dan said.
Phil didn't say anything gulping. He was still his kidnapper and a scary man that could do anything he wanted to and Phil didn't want to risk it. He quietly picked up the food and finished it throwing the paper away to the side.
He sat back avoiding eye contact with Dan.
"I am sorry Phil" Dan said.
Phil was still silent.