I was sitting in my room on the sofa one afternoon mid October, the wind was blowing outside and I could hear it on the roof of the house. Fred had gone to work and would be back in the evening, he insisted that, because of the wind, I don't go to work because I am unable to fly in the wind. I made my way downstairs to make something for lunch but we had nothing in the fridge which meant I had to go down to the village to buy some food for us. I went to the hallway and grabbed my purse to check the money that Autumn exchanges for us every week so that we can buy shopping in the village supermarket, we had about £30 which should cover the essentials and stuff. I pulled on my shoes and coat and walked out of the house, locking the door behind me.
The wind was still strong as I reached the village, my cheeks were undoubtedly red and my hair was now messy and windswept. I walked into the supermarket and was hit by a wave of warm air, it was noisy and I hear the constant beeping of a machine. I grabbed a basket and started wandering round the isles, Autumn helped us with our first shop by telling us where everything is and what to say to the workers at the till. I walked to the bread isle and picked up two loaves, then made my way to the milk and picked up a carton. I went round the store picking up the stuff we needed and some extras we could have for lunches. I counted the prices in my head and overall it came to £25.50. I walked back down an isle that lead to the check out and stopped to look at some of the ice-creams they had; chocolate, vanilla, all the plain ones.
All of a sudden I was hit by two solid objects, I looked round and saw two children stumble back. There was a little girl with slightly curly hair, her grin slowly fading, and a boy with bright blonde hair still giggling, they both looked no older than 8, one 6, one 5 maybe. "Sorry miss." The little girl said politely.
"Yeah, sorry." The boy repeated as he stood up off the floor. I smiled and shook my head.
"It's alright, you were just having a bit of fun." I said kindly, the little girl's smile grew again.
"Joseph, Zoe!" A woman yelled as she stormed down the isle. When she reached us she took a hold of Joseph and Zoe's hands. "You two need to calm down and stop running around." She reprimanded them, she turned to me with an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry about these two, they keep running off." I smiled and shook my head again.
"It's fine, really, kids will be kids." She smiled thank fully and walked off with Zoe and Joseph. Those were nice names but I don't think I would name my child Joseph or Zoe. I continued my walk to the check out and paid for the food, I took the bags and began my long trip back.When I reached home I grunted as I opened the door and dropped the bags. I closed the door behind me and took out my wand to help me put everything away which took less than 5 minutes. After everything was away I took out a can of tomato soup that I bought and put it in a pot and began cooking it on the stove, when the 5 minutes were up I turned the stove off and ladled the soup into a bowl, I then sat down at the table and ate the warm soup. I washed up my bowl once I was finished and left the soup there with a lid over it so that Fred can have some when he gets home if he wants.
I went back upstairs but as I was passing the baby's bedroom on the first floor I stopped and walked inside. I stood in the door way and began to picture what it will be like when it's fully furnished and accommodated; A chest-of-drawers by the windows, cot on the far wall, arm chair by the window opposite wall to the cot, changing station next to the chair. I could almost see myself rocking the baby in chair singing to it or reading it stories. I closed the door and went back upstairs to continue reading my book.
I looked up at the clock and saw that it was almost 7 which meant that Fred should have already be back half an hour ago. I debated whether to send an owl to the shop when I heard the fireplace spring to life downstairs. I got up and walked down the stairs. "Fred?" I called down the stairs. "Yeah?" He called back.
"Just checking that it was you." I said as I reached the bottom floor. I walked to the kitchen where I heard Fred talking to someone, the voice was familiar. "Faron!" I smiled when I saw him, his head turned to me and he smiled.
"Anna!" I walked over and gave him a hug. "What have you been eating?" He said gesturing to my stomach which was now quite prominent. "Just kidding, congratulations by the way, when's it due?" He asked as Fred handed him a cup of coffee.
"March 25th." Fred said as he handed me a cup of tea. I kissed his cheek to say thank you.
"So, Faron, long time no see. What have you been up to lately?" I asked as I sat down at the table next to Fred.
"Missions for the Order and stuff." Faron said with a shrug of his shoulders. I furrowed my eyebrows and realized that Fred and I haven't had a call from the Order for a couple of months. "Fred, how come we aren't asked to go on missions anymore?" I asked him.
"I still am but I took you off the call list. I'm not having you battle Death Eaters in your condition." He shook his head when I gave him an annoyed look.Faron stayed for dinner and left shortly after nine. Fred and I stayed by the fire for a bit till we both got tired and went upstairs. We laid on our bed talking about stuff that was on our mind for a bit and I told him about the baby's room and what I think it should look like. He agreed with the layout and said we should make it cream so it can be for either a boy or a girl, this was a good idea because then we can change it easily later on if we wanted to. We slowly fell asleep as an owl hooted outside.

My Weaslebee xxx Fred Weasley
FanfictionDISCLAIMER!! THIS WAS WRITTEN WHEN I WAS 13 SO IT'S GONNA BE BAD AND CRINGEY!! PLEASE DONT BE NEGATIVE OR HIGHLY CRITICAL WITH YOUR COMMENTS, I KNOW IT SUCKS!!! Annabelle is the daughter of Sirius Black, being the daughter of a mischievous marauder...