Chapter 15 | Rowan

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She got ready for the party at around five the following day, throwing on a pretty skater skirt and black tights instead of her usual pair of worn jeans.

Everyone was already at Emma's dorm when she got there, and she internally groaned. Showing up last was the absolute worst.

It was Emma that answered the door, and she threw her arms around Rowan in a quick hug before leading her inside the moderately sized room.

There were only around half a dozen people besides her two friends, and she was glad to see that it was going to be a relatively small party.

A couple girls were seated by the window over a couple boxes of snacks and a few others were in front of the TV. There were two boys on the couch-one with blonde hair like Emma and the other with dark hair and pale features.

Leo was talking to them, but jumped up as soon as he saw her. "Rowan!" He threw an arm around her shoulder, guiding her further into the room. "Everyone, this is Rowan Easton."

There was a chorus of greetings and one of the girls got up from her place by the TV to meet her. She had darker skin and beautiful hazel eyes. "Hey! I'm Layla," she said, smiling kindly. "Leo's been telling me about you."

She grimaced. "Oh, God. Hopefully all good, normal stuff, right? No stories about my undying love for him?"

Layla threw her head back in a laugh, and several of the other girls looked up. "You know him too well! But surprisingly he didn't seem to exaggerate on anything! You really are as sweet as he said." She grinned at Rowan's expression. "And don't worry, he doesn't like you like that."

She looked over Rowan's shoulder. "Charlie! Here to meet Leo's best buddy? You've been replaced!"

Rowan turned around to see the blonde boy from the couch. His blue eyes sparkled as he quirked a lopsided smile. "I'm Charlie, Emma's brother. I grew up with them."

"I had no idea she had a brother!" She exclaimed, looking around for Emma.

"I'm not surprised," he said, laughing. "I don't live around here and rarely am able to drive up to see her."

"Alright, guys! The food is on the table, drinks are in the refrigerator, and the games are right there!" Emma said, coming back into the room, a pair of oven mitts in one hand.

It was a nice dinner, and she really enjoyed getting the chance to meet Emma and Leo's friends. But as the night went on she found herself thinking more and more about eight o'clock, and she was wired by the time it finally came around.

She jumped up from her place on the couch, and Emma walked her to the door. "Wish you could stay longer!" she said.

Rowan gave her a quick hug. "Maybe next time! Thanks so much for dinner, and for inviting me. That was great."

"Not a problem. See you tomorrow?"

"Definitely," she said, smiling at the blonde girl. She could definitely see the similarities between her and Charlie now that she'd met him.

The parking lot was dark when she got out of the dorm complex and she leaned against the wall by the doors while she waited, wondering if she should call him. He could have been parked somewhere for all she knew.

But a few minutes later a set of headlights flashed across her face; a vehicle coming to stop by the curb. She pushed off from the wall, cautiously taking a step forward. The window of the black car rolled down to reveal James, and a grin broke out. She pulled open the door, sliding into the passenger seat.

He rested his hands on the wheel as she buckled her seatbelt, turning to glance at her. "So, where are we going?"

She was captivated by his eyes, the grey almost a silver in the moonlight, and she had to drag herself back to answer him. "I don't know. I don't care."

He gave her an amused smile, but there was an edge to his voice. "Anywhere? I can have quite the imagination, you know."

She laughed. "Okay. We could go back to my apartment for ice cream?" She nearly hit her head on the dash as she said this. Had she really invited him into her apartment for ice cream? That was what she did when she was all alone and not with a very attractive man.

But his answering smile was genuine, his eyes kind as usual. "Sounds like a plan."

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